5|We're Step Siblings

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((Steve's POV))
  I was starting to worry a bit. Bruce had informed us all about Sam leaving the tower to walk around and get familiar with the city. That was over four hours ago. All of us were in the living room waiting for one more hour to pass by before we go out searching for her.

  "Where could Warrior Mora be?" Thor asked as he, Loki, and Tony were all pacing around the room.

  "Maybe she lost track of time?" Bruce suggested.

  "The sun is no longer out," Nat said. "There ain't no way she just 'lost track of time' unless she's blind and can't see the time changing."

  "Maybe we should go looking for Lady Mora," Loki suggested and that's something I agree with.

  "Just give her tw-" Clint was cut off the sound of someone squealing in delight. All of our heads turned towards the balcony where Spider-Man was carrying Sam in his arms. I could feel the slightest tang of jealously but quickly got rid of it as relief washed in to see Sam fine, well the other than her broken arm.

  "Warrior Mora!" Thor exclaimed causing her to squeal and jump which caused me to smile. It's adorable when she squeals out in surprise.

  "Where have you been?" Nat questioned walking up to the two. "We all thought something happened to you."

"Technically something did happen to me-"

"And it was awesome!" Spider-Man cut in making Sam playfully elbow him.

"It was not that cool."

"Yes it was!" He exclaimed before looking at us. "Sammy Cat over her was able to beat three drunken men by herself with a broken arm. Tell me that does not seem cool!" Before any of us had a chance to utter a word Sam spoke up.

"To be fair that last move killed my arm and one of them had a gun. You were there to web them up-"

"Yes I webbed them up but that's all I did. You kicked their asses as if it were some regular day." Clint coughed grabbing their attention.

"You mind introducing us to your little buddy?" He said and her different colored eyes widen.

"How could I be so stupid in forgetting!" She exclaimed. "Guys I would like you to meet my step brother Peter Parker." Spider-Man took off his mask and waved at us. "Pete I believe you already know the Avengers."

"Surely do. Hey," he said with a smile.

"Bug Boy is your step brother?" Clint asked.

"You have a step brother?" Questioned Bucky, which surprised me a bit as he doesn't talk much when other people are around.

"I only told Clint about that didn't I?" She mumbled to herself but I'm positive the rest of us heard. "Um... to answer your question Buck my mom and me moved to America after she learned that my father was cheating on her. When we arrived she fell in love with a man where they produced Pete."

"Lady Mora if Peter is your step brother why not have the last name of Parker?" Questioned Loki.

"You see I was born first so I was given the name you all know and that was recorded down on my birth certificate. When my mother married with my new dad they would always forget to change my birth certificate to have the name Parker in it. Over the years I've grown up I would sometimes forget to add in Parker."

"Why were you out so late?" Nat asked bringing the attention back to why she came in so late.

"After Pete saved my ass he took me to this cafe where we catched up. Midway while talking I remembered that I had to get back here since it was real dark so Peter was nice to take me here. That's why I was so late."

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