18|Sorry Lunch

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((Samantha's POV))
  Waking up I tried thinking back to the odd dream but I couldn't quite remember it. It was all kinda fuzzy and blurry for me to remember vividly, it was also missing some pieces.

  Shaking my head a not and a wrapped box was at the foot of the bed. My eyebrows scrunched together as I slowly crawled towards the box.

  Picking up the note, in neat hand writing it said:
Get changed we're going out today.
  -Love Leo

  Placing the note to the side the lid to the box easily slid off. Taking out the clothes a white cardigan, black crop top, light blue denim short shorts, and timberland boots.

  Knowing there was no way out of this I took off the sports leggings and changed into the short shorts before placing the black crop top over my sports bra. The boots fit me perfectly which creeped me out a bit on how he knew my size but quickly shook it off not wanting to think of the possibilities.

  When I finished changing I grabbed the note the back side was empty. The bed frame was made of wood and I managed to take a tiny piece off. I then pricked my finger which hurt like a butt and used my blood as ink. Quickly writing I stuffed the small paper into my pocket before throwing away the piece of wood and cleaning my finger off.

  After that I was left alone once more before the door opened to Leo. He had a wide smile on his face as he saw my in the clothes. Because of that chills went down my spine. Not in the good way.

  "Let's get going," he said. "And don't try anything. You've still have that collar so I can still shock you." Gritting my teeth I got up from the bed and walked towards him.

  Leo held my hand but I moved it away. "Don't touch me," I growled as his smile grew.

  "Feisty," Leo said taking my hand by force. "Me likey." When I tried to release my hand from his grasp a shock was sent out causing me to jump.

  I let him hold my hand.

  Leo had lead me through new hallways before opening the door where sun light met my skin. For the first time I had realized how pale my skin became and how it immediately accepted the sunshine and warmth.

  "Come on Love," he tugged at my arm and lead me into a silver Nissan GTR. "I got it just for you." He opened the door for me which I thank in a small head nod before entering the car.

  He soon got into the driver side. The hum of the car was smooth and clean, it was like music to my ears. From the corner of my light blue eye I could see Leo smile just the slightest before he started driving.

  It took time looking out the window but I was able to detect that we were in Abu Dhabi. The sight was breath taking, it had taken my mind off the fact that a bipolar man had kidnaped me and taken me across the world to unlock my full potential as well as kill Wally.

  All too soon the car rolled to a stop as Leo left the car only to open the door for me. Giving him a small nod he took my hand gingerly, helping me out of the car.

  He lead me into a small cafe where we sat at a booth to the left of the cafe. Carefully I took out the paper and held up the menu questioning what to eat.

  A waitress came by, a genuine smile on her face. "Hi my name is Camilla, what shall I get you?"

  "I'll take black coffee," Leo said.

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