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((Samantha's POV))
  Opening my light blue and brown eyes I was met with a blue light to my face. At first I was very confused but when my glanced up I found Tony hugging me as his head was rested on top of my head.

  My different colored eyes went wide and I was quick yet careful to check under the covers to find that we still had clothes on. Oh thank the Lords! We just fell asleep that's all, I thought while being careful on taking Tony's hand off of me.

  I may not like Tony but I'm not an ass where I'd wake someone up. It's rude and Tony needs the rest to get better from getting food poisoning.

  Managing to take off both arms off me I was like a ninja when climbing, more like sliding, out of the bed of the bed before landing quietly on the floor.

  Peering over the covers Tony was wide awake making me jump a bit. He smiled as I got up from the floor and he sat up.

  "Were you awake the whole time?"

  "Yeah," he answered. "It was kinda cute watching you struggle on getting out of bed without waking me."

  "You ass!" Playfully I hit him on the arm. "I thought you were asleep so I didn't want to wake you."

  "You're so kind Gem," he said and I couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or if he was just being nice.

  "I see that you're getting better," I said trying to change topics.

  "Only because I had a great nurse."

  "No because Otter gave me that liquid. If anything you should be thanking him." Tony just shrugged his shiftless as I started walking away.

  "Where you going?"

  "To change and shower!" I called back to him before closing the door.


  After a shower, changing into nicer clothes, ate breakfast, gave breakfast to Wally and Haki as well as Tony before collapsing on the couch. Today was Sunday meaning tomorrow I have work, Ugh why do I have to work?

  "Sammy Cat!" Turning my head towards the hallway everyone was back.

  "Guys!" I exclaimed while jumping off the couch and hugged Pete first. "How was figuring things out?"

  "We got a bit of information," Clint said.

  "And we've got a plan to figure out who the two people are," said Bucky.

  "That's great but I have a feeling you guys didn't just come here to greet me. Spill." They all looked at one another before Steve spoke up.

  "When you fought both assassins did they ever say anything to you?" I huffed out in thought.

"Well Otter was there but Constantine had said and I quote, "You will die. He has requested for your death.""

  "So they want to kill you?" Bruce asked but I shook my head.

  "They're trained professional assassins, if they wanted someone dead they would be dead."

  "What are you trying to say?" Natasha asked.

  "I'm saying that these people are testing me. They hired the two assassin not to kill me but to test my skills in combat. Whoever is next won't be coming to kill me but most likely to kidnap me for whatever reason these men need me."

  "How did you come up with that?" Ollie the Otter questioned.

  "Like I said they're both pros at what they do, even with the small ability I have they could have injured my enough to kill me or leave me for dead. Now that I told you what I have you tell me what you have."

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