17|I Didn't Mean It

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((Samantha's POV))
  Last night Leo came back into the room bidding me a good night before turning off the lights and locking the door to my cell. Me and Wally had stayed awake a bit longer before falling asleep.

  The very next morning I had woken to Wally cuddled in my arms as someone was lightly shaking me awake.

  "Wake up Love," immediately my mind registered that voice to Loe. "Wake up before I do something I don't want to do," that got me up in an instant and he smiled at me. "Good girl," are you talking to me like a freaking dog? "Now how about we get you some food before the big day." He took my hand and dragged me out of bed, Wally hopped off the bed and jumped towards me before I crouched down and scooped him in my arms.

  My light blue and brown eyes scanned all around, making a mental map in my mind just in case I figure a way to escape.

  A tugging at my arm brought me back to my senses and I followed Leo as we turned a few corners before he opened the door for me. I gave him a small nod, as he was being a gentleman for opening the door, which caused him to smile before he too entered the room locking the door and stuffing the key into his pants.

  A machine was in the middle of the room as scientists and engineers were walking around the room, none paid any attention to me. I was curious if they were forced to work with this bipolar lunatic or if they voluntarily decided to work with him.

  "Come on Love," Leo said as he placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me closer to the machine. "Today is your big day." We stopped in front of the machine as Leo took Wally out of my hands and stuffed him into a cage.

  "Everything is ready Sir," a male engineer said as Leo nodded his head with a smile played on his face.

  "Good. Get everyone who isn't needed out of the room ASAP," the engineer nodded his head before scurrying everyone out of the room except for us and a few scientists. "Let's get this started people!" He harshly placed Wally's cage on a metal table as two scientists forcefully sat and strapped me down on the machine. "Is she ready?"

  "Yes Sir," a female scientist with blonde hair said. "Shall we start?"

  "We shall," my heart beat quickened as something was placed just inches away from my head as the machine powered up.

  My different colored eyes searched the scientists, pleading for one of them to do something, but when I would catch one of their attentions they would quickly glance away. I was left on my own for whatever Leo was going to put me through.

  The machine hummed before one scientists pressed a button. An electrical wave was sent all throughout my body causing me to jump. Then there was this unbearable pain, it was like nothing I've felt. I wanted to scream out in pain but voice was still lost, so instead my hands curled as I clenched my jaw as my eyes were tightly sewn shut.

  It took a while but the pain had finally faded away as the hum from the machine was no longer existent. Sweat was dripping from my forehead as well as my back and chest. My breathing felt uneven and hard as two scientists started unlocking the metal chains.

  "How do you feel Love?" Leo asked as he crouched down in front of me but I didn't glance at him, my hair was in front of me acting as a curtain. "Answer me," he said a bit lower with a dangerous tone.

  So I answered him. In my own way though.

  Leaping out of the chair I tackled Leo to the floor where I started to beat the living crap out of him. It wasn't until I kicked his jewels when he took out the control pressed the button and high leveled shock shot throughout my body making me get off of him.

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