3|Time Difference Bro

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((Samantha's POV))
  Stretching my sleeping limps my light blue and brown eyes opened to darkness. Must have slept till night time, I thought while getting out of bed and opening and closing my mouth a few times before standing up.

  My phone was dead so I had no way of figuring out what time it was. Then I remembered something from this morning, What was the AI's name? Travis? No. Joey? Not that. Jar? That's not it either. Uhhh... Jarvis!

  "Um... Jarvis?" I'm not sure where to look. Do I look straight or towards the ceiling, like where?

  "Yes Miss María?"

  "What time is it?"

  "12 pm. Shall I assist you with anything?" The British AI asked as I slipped on a oversized hoodie.

  "No thank you," he went silent after that and I walked out go my room and down to the right where Pepper said that there was a mini living room and kitchen.

  Entering the living room/kitchen it was actually really nice. I walked over to the left, where the kitchen was, and searched throughout all the cabinets, drawers, and the fridge just to get an idea of where everything is placed and where everything could be found.

  In the end I settled with making some eggs. Note to self:Buy frijoles. I'm Hispanic and lived in Barcelona, Spain for ten years of my life before moving to America. When I was seventeen I moved back home and lived there for two years before going to Tokyo, so yeah.

  When my eggs were finished I grabbed a fork, cause there aren't any tortillas, and just sat on a stool while my different colored eyes watched the window outside.

  The sky was a midnight blue color and even though the stars couldn't be seen the city lights sorta made up for that. In any way the city looked beautiful from up above or far away but I knew that it wasn't that beautiful down on the ground.

  "What are you doing awake?" Turning towards the hall Clint was standing at the entrance. 

  "Time difference bro," he just chuckled walking towards me. "What are you doing awake. Wait no, better question would be: what are you doing on this floor?" Clint sat down to my left.

  "Couldn't fall asleep for some odd reason so I started exploring through the air vents." That made me stop eating my egg and raise an eyebrow at him.

  "You explore this huge tower through the air vents?" He nods his head. "That sounds like fun."

  "Well it is. Tony had some secret rooms that I find by the air vents."

  "Can we try this?"

  "Of course! It's always great to have an air vent buddy!" Clint climbed on top of the counter, hit the low roof twice, and an air vent shaft thing popped open.

  "That's awesome!" Climbing up the counter myself Clint helped me up before he got up himself. "Where shall we go?"

  "To my nest," I couldn't tell if that was a joke or not due to his hero name being Hawkeye but I followed him nonetheless.

  It took some twists and turns as well as climbing up and falling down before Clint was opening the entrance to his "nest".

  "Whoa," I said as we entered into the small yet large room.

  "Welcome to my nest," Clint said as he sat down on a bean bag and I sat on another bean bag. "You and Nat are the only one to know of this place. Since no one else wants to join in climbing around in the vents this place is very secretive."

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