Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 Our ending


Levi ran around the forest waiting for a sign or sound. Erwin quickly stopped him for a talk.

"Levi, please contain yourself. Let's think this through." Erwin grabbed his shoulder but Levi immediately smacked his hand away.

"I've been calm this whole time, I didn't think Rowtag would kill her because of his obsession but now I realized that I underestimated him. For we all know she could be dead!"

"I understand that you're really anxious right now but running around in circles will only tire you out and then Rowtag will have the upper hand at this point."

"So what do we do? Wait until he's done strangling her?" Levi scowled.

"I'm a bit skeptical about your theory, Levi." Hanji began to pace around. "If he wanted to make you suffer he would've made her scream much longer than that. He would've tried to find a way to lure you over to him. My guess is that she got away from him."

"For all we know, we could be walking even further away from her. It's to just be patient and wait for now." Erwin leaned over by a tree to catch his breath.

"I'm thirsty, I'm gonna go around and look for some fresh water." Hanji left the two to sit together.

She kept walking straight from their path and noticed that the floor had become marshy. Hanji started to run faster until she found herself standing right in front of a river. She knelt to the ground and scooped up water into her hands. After washing her face, she adjusted her glasses to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Levi! Erwin! Hurry over here!" She yelled.

Levi and Erwin came running in with weapons ready.

"What's wrong Hanji?!" Erwin panted.

"Look over there." She pointed over to a big pelt of muddy fur with half it's body still in the water. They ran over to the body and lifted it to the soil.

"Looks like he was stabbed by the sharp rocks and died from blood loss." Hanji said reaching over to it's mouth and ripped out a bloody piece of cloth.

"That disgusting..." Levi looked away.

"My guess is that Cheoki was down here and got hold of her dress. Both of them must have dropped into the river. But if he's here then where's Cheoki?"

"She must have flowed to the end of the river because I don't see any foot prints around here. I say we go to the end of this river." Erwin suggested.

The group ran down to the end of the river which led them to a great lake. Hanji pointed out hand prints and dents over near the forest. Seeing how small the prints were, they most likely belonged to Cheoki.

Out of nowhere they heard the screams again, which were much louder than before.

"Cheoki!" Levi ran after the sound and this time it didn't stop.


Rowtag stomped down on my dress preventing me from leaving. I couldn't move that well because of my wound, I was completely vulnerable. He moved closer to me and stepped down on my hands. I begged for him to stop but all he did was laugh.

"You really think I'm gonna let you off that easily? I suffered far worse than this." he smiled as he stomped down on my left hand.

Though the pain was excruciating I restrained myself from screaming. I knew that all he was doing was trying to lure Levi here. I bit my lip hard and cried.

"Being strong for your man, huh? Well, let's just see how much you can endure."

Rowtag picked me up, lifting my entire body off of the ground. I gasped for air and tried to loosen his grip but my attempts only made his hold tighter. He suddenly slammed me against a tree and drew out a small knife.

"You're gonna call your dear, sweet fiancé over here and we're gonna put a show for him." he whispered.

I shook my head with tears pouring down my face. A twisted smile spread across his face as he took his knife and jabbed my leg. This time his hands loosened my throat as I let out a long, loud scream.

I dropped to the floor and with trembling fingers, I cradled my wound. Without even having a minute to myself, Rowtag kicked me back to the ground and moved on top of me. He leaned over to kiss my neck but as he was distracting me he used this moment to stabbed my hand.

Again, I let out a scream and cried my eyes out. He viciously ripped the blade out of my skin and stared down at me with a big smile on his face.

"This was my pain. All you did was make me suffer after all I did for you. This is my wedding gift for you at...let me think...Oh, I forgot it's not even our wedding!" This time he slit my side, splattering blood on his face.

"Go ahead, change into your beast form to save yourself. Let's just see how many stabs it will take to bring it out!"

Although the pain was unbearable, I forced my upper body up and took one of the arrows on his back. With it I stabbed his stomach, he slowly looked down in shock. Finally, he rolled off and fell to his side.

I pulled myself up and hugged the tree. I looked over to his body seeing that he was still breathing slowly. I sat on top of him, pulled out the arrow and stabbed a new spot on his stomach.

Tears rushed out of my eyes as I spoke my last words to him.

"I guess this shows that we're never meant for each other. I'm going home, Rowtag and this time I know that you won't be following me anymore." I got off from his body and limbed over to the trees for support.

I held on to my side again trying to slow down the blood flow. I looked up to the sky and noticed that it was steadily getting lighter.

"It sure is beautiful, right now." I smiled and continued my walk.



As the group made their way inside the dark woods they weren't really able to see anything dangerous that was waiting for them.

All around them were traps, that got them injured. Erwin stepped on a thread which brought down a swigging log and knocked him over causing his to break a couple of ribs. Hanji fell in a hole and sprained her ankle. Levi ran into a spear in the bushes which stabbed his side.

But still the group moved on. When the screams had stopped, they moved quickly without even looking for anymore traps. With the sky steadily getting brighter they had a clear look at Rowtag's body. He laid on the ground splattered with blood and dirt.

His face had a small smirk on it and hands were placed over the arrow on his stomach.

"Looks like he died pretty happy. But I wonder why." Hanji knelt by his body observing the trail of blood that trailed off into the woods.

Levi quickly followed the trail leading them to a more flowery part of the woods. All around were small buds of flowers that had never seen before. The amount of blood on the flowers slowly grew into bigger puddles.

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