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The capacity for passion is both cruel and divine.
George Sand (1804-1876)
Intimate Journal; 1834

Dear Ashley,

I have a little brother now. His name is Gavin, they didn't name him Hello Kitty like I wanted. I don't know why no one likes that name. I think it's really pretty.

Gavin is chunky, but he's really cute. I have to be really careful when I hold him because he's so small. I lost my two front teeth in the driveway the other day. I was tap dancing in my Dorothy shoes and fell and lost them. This is the second time that's happened. I took a picture with Gavin and I look funny because I don't have those teeth. I hope he doesn't think I look scary or funny. It's not my fault that I fell. The ground is just so mean.

Daddy and mommy think I look funny and so does Billie, but I got a lot of money from the tooth fairy. I like money, I'm saving my money for a toy. I don't know what toy I want yet but I want one. I'm going to buy it all by myself just like a big girl.

Ashley, when are you coming? Momma won't tell me, I've been waiting really patiently. I'm really excited to meet you. You want to meet me too right? I promise I won't beat you up if that's what you're afraid of. I'll be super nice and do anything you want. I'll make you a ton of pictures and get you toys too. You can even have my toys, if that's what you want.

Momma has been drinking the adult drink a lot lately and so has Shawn. They're never home anymore, I'm always left at grandma's house or with daddy and Billie. I miss momma, I like it when she's around.

Momma won't talk about you, every time I ask she gets mad or sad and goes away. I don't want her to go away, I just want to know when you'll be here, that's all. Maybe I can make momma a picture and she'll be happy again and play games with me.

Jesalique Jordyn Dianne Hires

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