Shopping Disaster

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Blaine sighed as he was extremely bored. Fin sat next to him tapping away at his phone. The cheesy shopping mall music wailed in their ears and they were being slowly being driven insane by the fact that the mall constantly played two songs on a loop. Only those two songs. They weren't even good songs. The chatter of people outside the shop escalated and laughter was heard. Blaine could faintly pick up on the music and singing that had just began moments beforehand. It was an accapella group, they weren't half bad either. He got comfy in the soft couch he was sitting on, god knows how much longer he would be here. The smell of perfume was beginning to make his head hurt when Rachel and Kurt burst out of the dressing room. Blaine raised his eyebrows a little.

"What do you think?" Rachel asked a massive grin was spread across her face. She was wearing a summer dress that was covered in gold and black sequences with strips of silver. Blaine didn't say anything, Fin could deal with her. He had to deal with Kurt though.

Blaine studied Kurt's outfit, it was a suit and tie with a waist coat, except it matched Rachel's. His tie, tux and waste coat were covered in sparkled of gold, black and silver. "It's delightful," Blaine said happily.

"Really, because I think it needs more sparkles," Kurt pondered.

"No, no more sparkles," Blaine said with fear in his eyes.

There was a distinct bing and Fin looked down at his phone, "we are gonna meet Santana and Brittney in food court," Finn announced.

"Ok, but about the dress?" Rachel asked.

The six students sat around the table, sipping from cokes and laughing every now and then at a joke, reminiscing over old times. They sat in the food court in a dominoes that was in the open to the massive shopping centre. People were buzzing about happily, minding their own business. Kids were playing happily and cheering. What were they cheering at, the Warblers, who were in the middle of the shopping centre singing the lazy song.

For the most part the glee club ignored them. They had made up but there was still some lingering animosity towards a certain meerkat with horse teeth who smelled like Craig's list. None other than Sebastian Smythe. He was singing the lead and it was clear some of the Warblers were still cautious of him no matter how many times he apologised.

Kurt noticed Blaine glancing towards the performance every now and then and it was getting on his nerves. "Blaine," Kurt said softly.

"Yes my dear?" Blaine snapped back towards the group and hummed.

Kurt felt a little flutter in his chest as Blaine used a baby name, "you ok?" Finn asked for a dazed Kurt. Rachel, Santana and Brittany stopped their conversation and Blaine felt all the eyes on him.

Blaine opened his mouth to reply, but he was cut out by gasps when Warblers abruptly stopped singing. Blaine immediately turned, people were crowding where the Warblers were. Blaine jumped the small Domino's fence and delved into the crowd, the rest were quick to follow him. Blaine squeezed through the masses of people to the middle of the confusion. "Sebastian!" Wes was shaking Sebastian's shoulders. Sebastian was on the floor, had he collapsed?

In that instant Sebastian's eyes snapped open and he took a moment to take in his surroundings. He blinked then a hard glare returned to his eyes, "are you ok, oh my god did you collapse?" Questions from the Warbler's were fired at him left right and centre, the crowd seemed to notice Sebastian was ok and they dispersed pretty quickly.

"I'm fine," he snarled as he got wearily to his feet. He turned and noticed the glee club staring at him, he shot them a glare, "carry on without me, I will be back in a bit," Sebastian said lowly. He immediately strutted away anger evident in his stride.

The Warbler stood in shock for a moment, but they knew better than to ignore their captain so then began to sing again. Blaine, however was no longer a Warbler. "You guys wait here, I will go and see if he is ok,"

"Why? The prick deserves whatever the hell is wrong with him," Santana snorted.

"But he might collapse again, look I don't like him either but it's not fair to not help someone in need, even if they are horrible," Blaine explained as he set after Sebastian. Blaine found himself dodging people and shopping bags as Sebastian's pace quickened. Blaine's pace quickened with him. It wasn't long until Sebastian had left the building, Blaine followed him at a quick pace.

Sebastian walked away from the massive car park and into a stingy ally next to the gigantic shopping centre. Blaine decided to hang back a little bit. Sebastian took off his blazer and threw it onto a nearby fence. He was clearly stressed or in pain as he planted both his hands on the wall and rested his head against it. His breathing hitched slightly but it quickly calmed down. Blaine had never seen Sebastian look so vulnerable before, he looked broken, injured and ill. His skin had turned a sickly pale colour and there were large bags under his eyes. What grief can do to a man.

"Sebastian?" Blaine decided to make his presence know out of worry for the boy. Sebastian jumped and looked around in shock. "Are you ok," Blaine asked him.

Sebastian looked bewildered for a moment, "I-I," he snapped out if if and a cold glare spread across his face, "I'm brilliant, and if you would care to leave now I wouldn't stop you,"

Blaine stood in shock and confusion, he hadn't expected such hostility. He should have, but he didn't. "S-sorry, you looked like you were in pain,"

"Well I wasn't Sherlock, so go skedaddle back to your boy toy before I blow the gay whistle and he comes running," Sebastian snarled. Blaine was hurt, he guessed Sebastian hadn't changed at all, he was still nasty and the intent of harm were evident in his words.

"You know I thought you had changed, but Kurt was right, some people never change, all I wanted to do was help" Blaine hissed as he turned heel and stormed away. He didn't notice how Sebastian's face dropped, he didn't notice the fear in his eyes or the agony written on his face. He just walked straight back to Kurt. Someone he actually cared about.

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