Three Weeks To Go

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Rachel tapped her foot impatiently, it was three weeks until the Warblers and the New Directions performed together. Right now it was a Wednesday lunch time and all of the New Directions were in the rehearsal room, the way the show was planned was that, the New Directions would do a piece, wearing costumes they made, then the Warblers would do a piece, wearing their uniform, and finally both teams would unite, wearing matching outfits, in two different songs at the end. One song had them singing against each other, the other had them in unison. "Alright guys, our opening song as we voted on is too close, however, we need to come up with a dress code," Mr Schue asked solemnly.

"I think we should go for a red and black theme, it makes sense," Sam suggested.

"It would work with the Warbler's uniforms I suppose," Mr Schue considered this, "Tina, are you ok to design and make the outfits?" Mr Schue asked her.

"Yes," Tina smiled.

"And for the last two songs have you decided on a dress code?" Mr Schue interrogated.

"Yeah, the Warblers suggested that should wear black shirt with a white tie and braces and the rest wear a white shirt with a black waistcoat," Kurt told him, "oh, and we are gonna wear these really cool hats," Kurt squeaked.

"Okay, it looks like you are all set on costume," Mr Schue mulled over the things they hadn't thought of, "what about Sebastian, it's been five weeks since he got put in that cast, will he be out of it by then?" Mr Schue asked.

"Yes, but since he missed so much of the dancing, he will be in the background mostly," Rachel told him.

Mr Schue nodded approvingly, "okay, well I think you guys are set, but remember, you only have three weeks left of rehearsals, which is only three days with the Warblers, make them count," Mr Schue advised them.

"Will do, Mr Schue," Mercedes smiled.

The bell rang and the teens frantically packed up their stuff and hurried off to their next classes. "Blaine, Kurt!" Mr Schue called as the two boys left for class.

The couple halted and turned back to Mr Schue, the rest of the students filed out of the class leaving the three of them alone. Mr Schuester leant against the piano as Kurt and Blaine stood next to him with a questioning stare. "Is everything alright?" Kurt asked.

"Yes, I was just wondering if you had made any progress with Sebastian?" He asked them in a low voice.

"Actually, we've been told that he is doing much better now and that his grades have risen higher than before and the only thing left that's wonky about him is his attitude, but we already knew that," Kurt answered him.

Mr Schue raised his eyebrows, "okay, well I guess we don't need to worry then," he breathed a sigh of relief, "it must have just been a phase.

Sebastian sat on the piano stool, with his back to the piano and his crutches laying over his lap. The piano was situated just off stage so that the Warblers and New Directions could practise their routine for the show," Sebastian was supposed to be paying attention, but his mind was concerned with other things. He could vaguely make out the sound of Rachel counting to the beat and the tap of shoes on the stage, but he was in a different world completely. A world where Mr Morris was fired from his job for being an unjust prick. Sure Sebastian didn't have the sweetest of personalities, but he sure as hell tried to make up for it. Mr Morris on the other hand seemed to revel in the misery he caused others. It was like his food source. Maybe that's why he was so fat.

"Excuse me?" Sebastian's ears perked up at his fathers voice. Sebastian immediately stood up and picked up his crutches, "I was looking for my Inferi? I think he is supposed to be here?" His dad asked.

The glee club members all shared confused glances, they didn't know anyone that had the nickname Inferni, "I'm here," Sebastian called out to his father as he made his way onto the stage and down the steps, "sorry, I've got to go get my cast off now, I will unfortunately see you lot next week," Sebastian sighed as he waved them goodbye and made his way to his father. He heard a chorus of goodbyes as he ascended the Auditorium steps.

"Your dance moves are brilliant, keep up the good work," Sebastian's father cheered them on and he left with Sebastian trailing behind him. Those on stage were gobsmacked. Sebastian's father gave him and adorable little nick name and called him it, without Sebastian protesting? It was also confusing that Mr Smythe had a very pleasant demeanour. Was he really Sebastian's father?

"Okay, come on guys, back to work," Rachel yelled at them as they ran through the joint choreography once more.

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