First Aid First

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Sebastian glanced awkwardly around. All of the people in the cabin were staring at him expectantly. There was a gust of wind making the carriage shift and groan. Sebastian felt trapped. He felt cornered. He felt panic rising in his chest. What was he going to do now? He was trapped with these lunatics that insisted something was wrong with him.

"Sebastian, you can insult us and evade our questions all you want, but your just delaying the inevitable," Kurt sighed.

"And what's that?" Sebastian was desperately trying to focus on anything but being trapped.

"We are going to find out what is making you act different, we are going to help you," Santana said.

"Is that so?" Sebastian raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, it is, and you are going to let us help you," Santana commanded Sebastian. He felt a flicker of an unknown emotion in his chest, it tickled and it was similar to happiness, but it had the same effect as sadness.

The carriage jolted, and Sebastian felt the blood drain from his face. "Oh my god, are you afraid of heights?" Blaine asked. His eyebrows creased with worry.

Sebastian shook his head. He couldn't afford to let them know what he was afraid of, that just wouldn't do. "No, your not afraid of heights are you? You were fine on the rollercoasters. You're claustrophobic," Santana laughed.

Sebastian felt dread brewing in the pit of his stomach. God knows how she could use that against him. "What of it?" He snapped.

"Did you just admit to that?" Blaine asked.

"I think he did," Kurt nodded.

"N-no I didn't agree, I just..." Sebastian sighed as he realised his mistake.

"That's gold," Santana laughed and Sebastian rolled his eyes.

Blaine made a mental note to bug him about it more later. Sebastian inwardly groaned and went back to staring out the window. Then at that moment the Wheel kicked back into action and they were on their way back to the ground.

Kurt began to pace, everyone was at the meet up point. Everyone but Puck. The park was closing down soon and nobody knew where he was. There were few people left in the park and many of the Warbler and Glee club members had gone home. All except, Sebastian, Kurt, Blaine, Quinn and Santana. Quinn was calling him, for the third time. Still, no one picked up. They sat in panicked silence. Until Quinn's phone rang. Loud and clear. She looked at the caller ID, her eyes went wild. "Puck, where are you, you didn't check out and you didn't meet up with us?" She asked.

From the other side, a fragile voice echoed through, "ehh, I am in the car park, the fence caught me as I jumped it,"

Blaine's eyes went wide and he took off in the direction of the car park. The rest of the group were quick to follow. When they reached the massive deserted parking lot, there was no sign of Puck. There was only a sparse couple of cars. "Oh my God Puck!" Quinn cried.

That's when Kurt saw him, Puck sat, slouched over next to his car, his hand pressed against his side, he was soaked in blood. Blaine ran up to him, "can you hear me?"

"Yes, don't worry, I didn't loose that much blood," Puck grumbled in pain.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Puck, count to ten," Santana glared at him but the others seemed to leave him to it.

Sebastian crouched down to Puck's level and looked him in the eye, his hand and side were crusted with blood, but none of it looked fresh. "One, two, t-three, four, five, s-six, seven, eight, nine, ten,"

"He hasn't lost enough blood for it to be critical," Sebastian stated, the other remained silent, unsure of what to say. "However, even though it would seem the bleeding has stopped, he probably needs stitches,"

"No, we can't take him to the hospital, they'll ask him how he got hurt," Quinn said.

"Would you rather he suffered?" Kurt asked.

"We can lie," Santana snorted.

"But with what happened today, they probably have footage of a figure," Quinn pointed to Puck's balaclava, "getting injured, they will make the connection,"

"Alright, but he needs stitches and none of us can do that!" Blaine argued.

"I can," Sebastian said quietly.

"What? Really?" Puck asked, as his eyes glazed over with confusion.

"Yup," Sebastian sighed. These people needed to know how sorry he was for crossing the line. This could be his opportunity to show it. "Can you stand?"  Puck didn't reply, he just hoisted himself off the ground with the help of Blaine and Santana. "Does anybody have a free house right now?"

"I-I do," Blaine said unsurely.

"Alright, take home there, I will meet you," Sebastian said before he turned heel and walked away.

Sebastian laid his surgical instruments out in front of him, a sowing needle, bandages, sellotape, dental floss, a blow torch and some rubber gloves. He felt a pang of worry in his chest, if he messed up he was screwed. Sebastian got Puck to hold up his arm. He then used the blow torch on the needle, it took time but eventually it was red hot. He then turned back to Puck. His wound had been cleaned up and it wasn't that deep, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Pick silently whimpered. Sebastian decided now was not the time to comment. The needle cooled very quickly so Sebastian threaded it and got to work. The only one in the room was Quinn. She was sitting on the bed with Puck, holding his hand. Sebastian knelt by the bed as he stitched Puck up. Puck swore loudly as searing hot pain shot up his side. The room they were in was very nice, in fact it was basically all cream. Sebastian would have been worried about spilling blood but he had put red towels all around them, there was no chance of spillage. After a while of swearing, groaning and yelling. Sebastian was done, he was sweating and drained. He sat back on his haunches and admired his handy work. Not half bad. The stitches were all lined up, connecting and neat.

Sebastian peeled of the rubber gloves, "ok, all done, just don't do much dancing or sports until it heals, you really don't want to rip the stitching open,"

"Thanks," Puck snorted as he pulled down his shirt. Sebastian stood up and very quickly left the room. There was too much emotion there. He left the house as well, Blaine called after him and tried to ask him questions but he moved quickly. He got into his car and drove home. He didn't want them pestering him, and he certainly didn't want their sympathy.

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