Battle Scars

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Blaine jumped a few steps backwards as Sebastian crashed into his side. Pupils began to leave the school as it was the end of their first week back at school. Blaine could tell Sebastian was angry, he knew that the coach must have upset him somehow. He regained himself and turned to face Sebastian, who looked ready to fight. "Woah there tiger, you alright?" Blaine asked cautiously.

"You tested me? You actually tested me?" Sebastian hissed as more pupils pushed past by the pair.

Blaine's breath caught in his throat, he was clearly unamused, in fact no, he seemed hurt, Blaine had no idea Sebastian would have been so offended, "can you blame us?" Blaine argued, he felt himself beginning to become defensive.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and strode over to his locker with Blaine right behind him, "that doesn't make it right for you to test me, I already told you I wasn't going to fight you anymore," he slammed his locker shut and rearranged his bag before taking off towards the school's exit, steam was practically shooting out from his ears.

"Well I am sorry that some of us didn't believe you, you didn't really leave a brilliant first impression," Blaine snapped.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes as he burst out into the open air, it was pouring down with rain. He swivelled on his spot and continued to argue with Blaine, "that was the point of me trying to change, but I guess some people can't accept that!" Sebastian was seeing red. He forgot about everything else, he didn't care that he was getting soaked, he didn't care that his blazer wasn't buttoned up. He was too angry.

"Look I am sorry but- oh my god," Blaine was distracted, the rain was hammering down hard, he could see partially see through Sebastian's soaking shirt. He could see purple, black and yellow all spread out from his side and all over his chest. There were also rows upon rows of uneven and crooked stitching over what looked to be massive injuries, "what happened to your chest?" Blaine squeaked as worry flushed out his anger.

Sebastian felt his stomach drop and his heart stopped beating. "Shit," he murdered as he pulled his wet blazer around him and huffed, "don't think about it, don't speak about it, it's nothing," Sebastian hissed, before he turned and left Blaine standing shocked in the rain. Had that really just happened? Had he really just seen that?

Sebastian sat back in his chair in the Lima, it was once again very early and all ready Cece was sitting across from him. The warm air made him relax, he didn't want to think about Blaine or his injuries. He just wanted to forget them, pretend it never happened. He just didn't want them to be there in the first place. He just hoped that because Blaine couldn't see under his shirt, he wouldn't do anything "Bazzy, why are you tho upthet again?" Cece cocked her head to the side.

"I just started a new school and... people there are different," Sebastian explained with weak smile.

"How are they different?" She asked him curiously.

"Well, emm, they don't trust me and they are very nosey," Sebastian hummed.

"What? Why don't they trutht you Bazzy?" She asked with genuine concern.

"Well, I wasn't very nice to them in the past," Sebastian admitted.

"But that'th in the patht, so why do they still not thrutht you?" She frowned.

"Well... I... I hurt them and sometimes people need time to heal," Sebastian felt like a douche for going off on Blaine like that. He had a very valid point and Sebastian had completely blown the whole situation out of proportion.

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