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Mr Schue stared up at the blank faces of the new Directions, they all looked bored to death. Most likely because it was a Friday and they were a few precious hours from the weekend. The teacher stood in the centre of the choir room and he smiled, "ok, we will get back to practising for a couple of the minor league competitions however, Kurt and Blaine have told me they want to share something with all of you," Mr Schue's curiosity compelled him to sit with his students as he watched the couple take centre stage.

Blaine took a deep breath, he had no idea how this was going to turn out for him or Kurt. "Ok, so some of you may or may not know that the Warblers reached out to me... for help with a member of theirs," the whole room remained silent as Blaine could feel them pinning him down with their gazes.

"Some of you were there when they were first concerned a couple of weeks ago," a few of the choir members raised their eyebrows as they had most likely guessed who Blaine was speaking of.

"We know they are the enemy choir, but they are really worried, one of their members has started acting differently, let his grades fall and they've never dealt with that kind of thing before so... they asked us and we wanted to ask you..." Kurt sighed, he knew some of them already knew, but it was going to be tough to convince them that they were right to help Sebastian, even if he is a prick.

"I am sure we'd be more than happy to help, right guys?" Sam asked, and the others nodded in agreement.

However Blaine didn't breathe out just yet, they could maybe sidestep the whole identity thing. Puck however narrowed his eyes, "who is it though?"

Blaine looked at Kurt for help and rubbed the back of neck awkwardly. Rachel sighed, she knew, "its Sebastian isn't it?"

There was a massive uproar and Mr Schue couldn't believe his kids he was enraged, "all right, that's enough!" He yelled. The class fell silent but they were glaring nonstop at the couple in front of them. "I am really disappointed in you guys, since when did identity mean that you couldn't help someone in need?"

"But he is a self centred git!" Puck protested.

"He's probably down because it was the first time he has ever lost anything!" Santana added.

"Or maybe daddy is pulling the plug," Puck mocked him.

"He is just a bully," the class rioted and jeered at them.

Kurt's voice brought the whole riot to silence, "all of you said that about Karofsky," the class was shocked, they lowered their heads in shame and looked down at their feet. He was right. "Sometimes it's not the victim that needs help the most... but the bully... and we don't want what happened to Karrofsky, to happen to Sebastian..." Kurt trailed off. He couldn't believe he was standing up for him. He was nothing but mean and deceitful, yet here he was.

"Kurt's right... even if it is for stupid reasons we should at least check if he is alright," Finn said.

"Alright, now that that is settled, the boys asked for advice, have you got any?" Mr Schue asked, he was much calmer now.

The class was unsure, however they got an answer, "W-when I was struggling, all I needed was just someone to sit and listen, to understand and help," Quinn admitted. She put the classroom into shock. Had the Quinn Febray just admitted that?

"Well then we need to get him to talk, not an easy task," Blaine said.

"Then don't talk, sing," Sam suggested.

"I wish it were that easy... but the Warblers were telling Blaine that he is not as happy about singing anymore, in fact he is limiting his performance time by a lot," Kurt said. "And anyway how would we go about getting him to meet us?"

"You said that the Warblers were worried? Well then I am sure they'd do something to help," Rachel told them.

"True, but who is going to do it?" Artie asked. All heads turned to Blaine. Figures.

Blaine sucked a deep breath into his lungs as he stared at the familiar wooden door in front of him. He felt his stomach twist nervously and he was scared without knowing why. He supposed he was afraid of what he was going to hear. He placed his hand on the cold metal of the door handle and with a surge of courage he clicked open the door and slid inside the room. It was fairly light, there were many abandoned desks and chairs, which all faced towards the front of the class room where the desk and blackboard were situated. The only occupant of the room was Sebastian, he sat a little ways from the back with sheets of paper and homework spread out in front of him.

He didn't look up, he didn't even acknowledge Blaine. From Blaine's point of view it was clear there was something wrong. His hair was messy and he wasn't wearing a smirk. Worst of all were the dark bags that were underneath his dead looking eyes. He still had his blazer on despite the high temperature in the room. Blaine made his way through the empty chairs at empty tables and sat down at the same table Sebastian was sitting at. He still didn't look up. Blaine sighed. "Sebastian?" Blaine asked softly. "Hello?" He got no reply. Blaine huffed in frustration, he did notice that the Warbler's handwriting was messy and unordered. Blaine resorted to confusion. He pulled out his phone and exclaimed, "cheese!"

At this, Sebastian's head snapped up to the camera, a glare was set into his dark eyes. Blaine put away his phone and Sebastian rolled his eyes, "what do you want Blaine?"

Blaine raised his eyebrows he had caught his attention that easily? "Sebastian, the Warblers are worried about you,"

"So they sent you to do the dirty work... figures," Sebastian tutted and went back to his work.

"No, they were just unsure of how to approach you, you aren't the most approachable you know," Blaine countered. He got no reply. "Look, I don't know what's happened to you, but it's very clear to everyone around you that something's wrong, are you ok?"

Sebastian chuckled darkly, "I'm brilliant,"

Blaine could feel anger rising in his chest, "why won't you let us help you?"

Sebastian laughed but didn't stop writing, "there is nothing to help,"

Blaine took a breath to calm himself down, "look, its Saturday tomorrow, you will be at home, just think about it, we can help you,"

Sebastian's eyes connected with Blaine's, "is it Friday?" He asked with genuine confusion.

"Yes," Blaine replied, Sebastian seemed to be bewildered, but he just continued working, "look, if you need anyone to talk to, you know who to call," still no reply. Blaine sighed in defeat and he left the class room. He was going to need backup.

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