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Blaine ran a hand down his face as he sat in the Lima Bean Cafe. School had finished less than an hour ago and he was already receiving a call from worried Warblers. The cafe around them buzzed and his phone sat at the centre of table on speaker. They were sitting at a table next to the side exit, it was fairly big and decent. Mercedes, Rachel, Finn and Kurt all sat with him, their ears focused on the speaker. The smell of coffee almost distracted him. "What do you mean he is in agony?" Blaine groaned.

"I mean, whenever he moves it is slow, if we touch him he tries his best to cover up his winces, that's what we mean by he is in agony,"  Jeff grumbled.

"Have you asked him why?" Blaine sighed.

"No, you know what he is like," Trent snorted.

"True," Blaine nodded. "I will see what I can do, thanks for the update anyway, let me know if he gets worse,"

"No problem," Wes replied. With that they hung up.

"This dude," Finn sighed.

Sebastian took in a breath of fresh air. He was standing in the back area of the Lima Bean, it was fairly small and fenced off. There were only a few large white vans parked in between the white lines. Aside from that the area was empty. Cardboard boxes and rubbish bins were stacked against the grimy door that led into the Lima Bean. The floor was dusty and caked in dry mud. Behind Sebastian there were two massive dumpsters the size of him, they were pretty clean though. They must have been fairly new. Sebastian had seen the new directions inside of the Lima Bean and he was in no rush to be interrogated.

"Oi, you there!" Sebastian's head snapped towards a group of three boys around about the same age as him. Their pants hung low and they wore cocky grins on their faces. This was a textbook sign of assholeism. The one that had called on him had a SnapBack on and he wore a jersey. His brown hair pocked out from under his hat. Sebastian raised an eyebrow, what the hell did they want?

"Dalton bitch, he was talking to you!" One of the other boys called as the group made their way at a threatening pace towards him, the other two boys were dressed and looked almost identical to the first one. Siblings maybe?

Sebastian sighed and he stuffed his hands into his pockets. He was not in the mood to deal with these douche bags' shit. "Can I help you?" Sebastian didn't want to piss them off but he didn't want to humour them.

"No, you should be asking god if he could help straiten you out," the first boy laughed as he stopped meters away from Sebastian, who was considerably taller than all three of them.

"What makes you think I'm gay?" Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"You go to Dalton, the school for freaking homosexuals," the third boy snorted.

"I wonder if all the boys from Dalton have slept with each other, it's the kind of disgusting thing gays do," the first one sneered in a nasty tone.

Sebastian felt anger rise in his chest. How dare these boys accuse Dalton of such things, it was one of the most prestigious schools in the state. Yet Sebastian fought back the only way he knew how. To fight fire with fire, "well at least we enjoy it," Sebastian snorted, "at least we can admit the truth," he glared at the boys. The main one looked enraged. His face was bright red and Sebastian swore he could see steam shooting from his ears.

"Are you suggesting I'm gay?" He spat. Sebastian didn't reply, he just shot the boy a lopsided smirk. Before Sebastian knew what was happening, he was slouched over, his arms wrapped around his stomach as pain splintered through him. Sebastian cried out, the dimwit had actually punched him. "Why don't we take him home brothers, and keep him there," the boy hissed.

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