Epilogue - Part 2

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Sebastian stepped into the shower and turned the water on. Steam rose up around him as he rested his head against the bathroom wall. To say he wasn't nervous about the reunion tomorrow was a lie. He was terrified, he hadn't seen any of his high school friends since high school. He wondered how much they had all changed, if they had kids of their own or if they had significant others. He had heard about the unfortunate passing of Finn. That had hit him, hard. Finn was always going to be close to his heart, just like the other glee club members. It was scary to think that Finn was struggling with demons, but he had always seemed so happy, so calm and complacent. That was all just an act though. It hurt to think that Finn felt like he couldn't reach out for help. Sebastian couldn't blame him, he knew what it felt like.

With a sigh he turned off the water and stepped out the shower. He pulled on his Pyjamas and dried his hair with a towel. When he opened the bathroom door, steam poured out into the hotel room. Sebastian switches of the bathroom light and climbed into the bed, where his daughter was already fast asleep.

Sebastian awoke to the familiar and annoyingly repetitive noise of his alarm going off. Why did he have to leave bed, it was warm and comfortable. He turned off the alarm and groaned as he tried to sit up, but he felt weight on his chest. Sebastian glanced down, all he could see was a mess of brown hair. He chuckled, his little girl was fast asleep sprawled across his chest. He could feel her soft snores vibrate through him. Moving her was going to be a difficult task, especially since Sebastian's was already reluctant to do so. She would only be so small for so long. He carefully slid her off of him and he climbed out of the bed as quietly as possible. He didn't want to wake her up early, if he did that, all hell would brake loose. Sebastian quickly got dressed, it was seven, so they would have time to go and get breakfast. He knew knew just the place.

Sebastian opened the familiar door into the Lima Bean Cafe. Grief and and longing swelled up inside of him as he entered the warm and sweet smelling cafe. He took a seat at a small table and ordered food for both him and his partner in crime. He watched her face light up with joy as she took her first bite. His little bubble of joy seemed to like this cafe, which made him extremely happy. She would never know how much this place meant to him.

Sebastian strode into the McKinley cafeteria with his daughter bouncing at his heels. He was overwhelmed by the hundreds of familiar faces, and the not so familiar ones too. His child pulled at his sleeve, "daddy? She asked.

"Yes sweetie?" He replied in a daze as he observed his surroundings.

"Can I go play," she pointed to a long a group of kids that were playing a game of tag.

"Of course, just be careful," he told her. She giggled and bounced off to play with the other kids.

Sebastian was amazed, the school had barely changed. There were tables around the edges of the hall that were stacked with food of all sorts. People were gathered in friendly clusters as they joked and reminisced over their high school years. The noise wasn't unbearable, but it was very loud. "Oh my god, Sebastian?"

Sebastian felt his spirits lift at a very family voice, Kurt and Blaine approached him with cheery smiles, "in the flesh," he laughed.

"Its been so long since any of us heard from you, how've you been?" Blaine asked.

"Good, what about you?" Sebastian replied.

"We've never been better," Kurt laughed as he took ahold of Blaine's hand.

"Are you two still together?" Sebastian was shocked and impressed at the same time.

"Yes, we are married now," Blaine said sheepishly.

"Congrats," Sebastian pulled them into a hug.

"What about you? Any guys lucky enough to call you theirs?" Blaine wiggled his eyebrows.

"No, unfortunately not, I have only one lady I need to look out for," Sebastian gestured the crowd of children.

"You have a daughter?" Kurt asked surprised.

"Yeah," Sebastian laughed at their shock.

"How old is she?" Kurt asked.

"Five," Sebastian told them.

"Is she yours?" Blaine asked, he looked very confused.

"Yup, she is half of me," he was amused at how their faces twisted in confusion.

"Who is the mother?" Kurt asked hesitantly.

"Some chick that I drunkenly mistook for a dude in a bar," Sebastian snorted, "best mistake of my life, what about you? Any little ones?" He asked, pulling Kurt and Blaine out of their shock.

"Yeah, we have two little tigers," Blaine laughed. It struck Sebastian how little both of them had aged.

"Oh, what's their names?" Sebastian was interested.

"Corey and Hepburn," They smiled proudly at two very similar looking, brunette kids running around together.

"What ages are they?" Sebastian asked.

"They are both six," Kurt sighed.

"Twins?" Sebastian's asked amazed.

"Yes, twins, how time flies, seemed like only yesterday they were gurgling little babies," Blaine glanced over at them with pride.

"Tell me about it," Sebastian snorted. The trio sat down at one of the really awful but familiar tables from McKinley.

"So you raised your daughter on you own?" Blaine asked as his eyebrows creased together.

"Yup," Sebastian grinned from ear to ear.

"What do you work as now?" Kurt interrogated him.

"A surgeon," Sebastian told them.

"What? You're a surgeon and you raised a child on your own? How do you cope?" Blaine gasped.

"At first I didn't, I was so scared I was going to mess everything up, or worse, become like my dad," all three of the, shuddered at the thought, "but then I kind of got used to it, and being an only parent rules because you are always the favourite," Sebastian chuckled.

"That's very true," Kurt laughed with a playful nudge at a pouting Blaine, Sebastian guessed that Kurt was the favourite. "So what made you want to become a surgeon?"

"Well, I am am not squeamish and I already was able to do basic operations," Sebastian snorted.

"Fair enough," Blaine admitted. Sebastian felt the bench next to him shake as a very familiar five year old climbed onto it. "Hello there," Blaine greeted Sebastian's other half.

She wrapped her arms around Sebastian's right arm and waved shyly, Kurt and Blaine looked at each other as they mentally expressed how adorable the little Smythe was. "Hiya," she said quietly as she burrows into Sebastian's side.

"What's your name?" Kurt asked her with a soft smile.

The little girl announced her name with pride, "Cecelia, but that's difficult so just call me Cece,"

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