Fun Fun Fun

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Sebastian was very overwhelmed. Everywhere around him there were people, hundreds of them, kids, pensioners, parents and all of them wore massive grins. The noise was almost unbearable, the crying the laughing and the cheering, the sun was strong as well. It was a lot to take in. There were rides that towered above Sebastian, they looked daunting and unstable, why would anybody want to do this? "What's wrong? Never been to a theme park before uterus?"

Sebastian glared at Santana, uterus? That was her best insult? Uterus? He shook it off and rolled his eyes, not really giving a definitive answer. In fact she was right, this was his first time. "Uterus? That's a new one, Uvula," he snorted.

"Are you two going to argue the whole time?" Kurt asked very annoyed. His soft brown hair blew about in the wind. Neither of them replied.

"Who are we waiting on?" Blaine asked Nick who was tapping his foot impatiently, "just Wes and Jeff, they should be here any moment,"

Sebastian was getting bored of waiting, but he couldn't be bothered to leave the others behind. He didn't want to be here but he also didn't dare say no to his father. "Dude, chillax," Nick mused.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow but he didn't say anything. A kid started wailing nearby and the parents looked mortified. A crooked smile split across his face. If they didn't want to be embarrassed they shouldn't have brought the damn creature.

"Stop smiling like that Sebb, it's really creepy," Trent laughed as he patted Sebastian's back. Sebastian snorted.

Blaine watched Sebastian out of the corner of his eye, it was the first time he had ever seen the dude out of uniform. However he kept the formal attire casual by wearing a shirt and jeans. He seemed to be ok for the most part. He didn't look any worse but he didn't look any better.

Sebastian made small talk with the other Warblers most of which actually thought today was supposed to be a day for healing or whatever. To make amends he supposed.

Only a select few knew that today was about all of them trying to pry open Sebastian's mind and figure out what was wrong with him before it got worse. All of the New Directions had a guess as to why they were here but most of them just decided to come for fun and they most likely wouldn't try to help.

Blaine had been very clever with the way asked Sebastian to come. Sebastian couldn't say no if it was in front of his dad unless he had a legitimate reason because Blaine had heard stories of how strict Mr Smythe was. He seemed like a cool dude though. He at least seemed a lot nicer that Sebastian. It was time to put his plan into action. The next few hours went by in a blur, everyone was happy, having fun and enjoying themselves. Even Sebastian, though he would never admit it. It wasn't until they decided to go on the Ferris wheel that a problem arose.

Sebastian sat awkwardly in a creaking and crooked carriage. Santana sat next to him and across from him was Kurt and Blaine. The ride slowly began to ascend and Sebastian's heart caught in his throat. The were already very high up. Not that he was afraid or anything. He didn't dare look down. From here he was getting a beautiful view of the town. The carriage wouldn't stop creaking and every time it did his heart skipped a beat. Images of the carriage falling or the whole thing rolling away made him feel sick to his stomach. It didn't help that the internal structure of the carriage that was mostly made of glass had visible rust.

Blaine pulled out his phone and typed in a number whilst waiting for it to ring. "What's wrong fly guy? Afraid of heights?" Santana sneered.

Sebastian didn't trust his own voice so he just glared. He didn't know how she had picked up on that, he wasn't showing many signs of fear, aside from sitting up very straight, breathing quickly and staring out the room whilst making as little movement as possible so that the carriage didn't break. Blaine shushed Santana, so Sebastian sent her a sly smirk. Some one finally picked up the phone, "yeah, we are all in," Blaine said in a hushed tone. Sebastian couldn't care less what he was saying, he was occupied by his thoughts. "Go ahead,"

Blaine hung up and turned to Kurt and Santana giving the nods, they nodded back and all three turned to face Sebastian, who tried desperately to avoid eye contact. Then he remembered, he needs to act natural, "what? Let me guess, your family reunion is about to take place so we are all going to need to evacuate the park? Is that what's happening?" Sebastian sneered.

Kurt rolled his eyes, "cut the crap Sebastian, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Sebastian raised his eyebrows, "wrong with me? The only wrong thing in this cart is that awful broach you are wearing, no just the fact you are wearing a broach,"

"Why are you being a douche? Just tell us what is wrong," Blaine asked as nicely as possible.

"Hey, I need to make up for the need to blackmail, assault and maim somehow," Sebastian smiled cockily.

"Really? Have you looked in a mirror lately? Have you seen how terrible you look? How broken you look?" Santana was on the verge of yelling, she hated this guy, but she didn't want to make the mistake she made with Karofsky.

Sebastian knew he should have pushed through his exhaustion and put on that extra layer of hair gel. He had no witty comeback and no defence. So he decided to be petty and not reply, he just glared out of the windows the empty sky.

"Brilliant, he's back to ignoring us now," Kurt sighed.

Very suddenly the cart halted. Sebastian's hands flew out to press himself against the side. They were going to die, the cart would fall off. He was going to die surrounded by people he hated. This was the end. His eyes were wide open and his breathing increased again.

"Really? Your afraid now?" Santana huffed.

"Ferris wheels are dangerous," Sebastian hissed as he tried to right himself, "what happened?"

Blaine smirked mischievously, "Puck happened,"

Puck took a deep breath before he vaulted over the high fence into the circuits below the Ferris wheel. He pulled out a toy rat he had won and threw it so that it was just noticeable. He dodged out of sight then gave a thumbs up to Rachel who ran up to the guy running the Ferris Wheel and started screaming about a rat. The things he did. Puck climbed back over the fence, however it caught him on the way back down. Puck swore loudly and his hand shot to the wound. There was a lot of blood. It seemed out of his cut and soaked his clothing. It looked deep too. Puck gritted his teeth as pain wracked his body. He could suffer later, but for now he needed to get out of the unauthorised area.

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