The Wheels Go Round

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Blaine paced the grounds outside of the school as he was on a group chat with some members of the glee club, they were waiting with baited breath to Blaine's news. The sun was just beginning to set and orange light cascaded around about the large school's grounds. The bushes rustled softly and the birds sang loudly. It was quiet and perfect. A soft breeze blew around Blain as he spoke, "ok, he was so unresponsive, he was completely ignoring me then... hold on let me send you a photo of him,"

Blaine tapped away at the keys on his phone before sending the photo of Sebastian to the group chat. The grass rustled softly in the background. "Oh my, he really doesn't look that good," Rachel and Kurt agreed.

"Looks as though he hasn't slept in a decade," Artie snorted.

"I know and it's killing me that I can't get through to him, all I want to do is help," Blaine sighed.

"Yes Blaine, all we do want to do is help, however, he is strong headed and probably hates showing weakness," the group was silent after Kurt had spoken.

"Wait, maybe we shouldn't be trying to get him to talk, maybe we should be trying to get him to laugh," Rachel declared.

"What?" Artie asked confused.

"I have an idea," she giggled maliciously.

Sebastian finished shoving revision books into his bag and he slung it over his shoulder. He sat down on his bed and slowly absorbed the peacefulness of the room. He was always one of the last to be picked up from school, that was most likely to be due to the fact that his dad had drive from home to pick him up, which was an hour long drive. Sebastian couldn't wait until he was able to get away from home and out from under his dad's scrutiny, but as it is now his dad would never let him do that.

Sebastian surveyed his dorm room. It was pretty basic, there were two beds, one of them belonged to Trent who had left an hour or so beforehand. The bed covers were just white and the carpet was a dark blue, it did look old and in need of a pick me up though. There was a desk in the corner of the room and just across the hall was the boys bathrooms and showers. Each bed had an end table and a pull out drawer, which Sebastian stuffed his shoes into. There were also two wardrobes on either side of room that had school uniforms compiled into them.

Sebastian's phone buzzed against his side making him jump. Maybe he was a little on edge. Sebastian reached into his blazer pocket and slowly pulled out his phone. He glanced, it was his dad telling him to get his ass out of the school now. Sebastian rolled his eyes and shoved his phone back into his pocket. He still objected to the fact his dad insisted it was him who dropped him off and picked him up from school. He could just get one of his PA's to do it or even better let Sebastian drive himself, but no, it had to be the man himself most likely due to a certain past incident... Sebastian felt dread tug in his heart and he didn't want to leave Dalton, despite everything, he loved it here. Every one here, except him, were all so nice and generally accepting.

Sebastian hauled himself off of the bed and left his dorm. From there he made a long trek through intertwining corridors and large wooden doors to the main foyer. When he reached the marble floor, the only other people in the room were Nick and Jeff, but they were... occupied.

Sebastian burst through the school's main doors only to be greeted by the setting sun and the sweet smell of the great outdoors. He was quick to notice his dad's car parked on the curb of the parking lot. His dad was leaning against the silver Mercedes with a grin on his face matching the price of his sunglasses. Styled grey hair poked out the top of his head in all directions and his tanned skin matched that of his light grey suit. His dad waved and Sebastian returned the gesture. He made his way towards his dad and he felt a swirl of immense emotion in his chest. "There's my little Inferi,"
Sebastian swallowed and was about to reply but he didn't get to.

"SEBASTIAN!" Sebastian heard his name being called. His father glanced behind him, as did Sebastian, it was Blaine. He watched in amusement as the curly haired teen came hurtling towards them, stopping inches from where they were standing.

"Who's this young fellow?" Sebastian's father asked, whilst running a thumb over a very expensive looking silver ring with a vey distinctive S insignia.

Blaine looked to Sebastian for help, but he received nothing but a cold glare, "I am a friend of his,"

The older man raised a silver eyebrow above his expensive looking sunglasses, "really, you got past the foul personality?" Blaine was struck for words, how was he meant to reply to that? He wasn't even sure he had heard the man correctly. Yet the party in question had a very neutral face. The older man broke out into a deep laughter, a very genuine one, "I am just kidding of course," the man stood up tall and offered Blaine his hand whilst the teen out an awkward laugh. Blaine felt tiny compared to these two men, they were both giants even if Sebastian's father was a little taller. "The name is Welsey, Wesley Smythe,"

Blaine shook his hand, "nice to meet you Mr Smythe,"

"I assure you the pleasure is mine," Sebastian's father chuckled.

Blaine smiled and nodded his head at Mr Smythe's very genial and pleasant demeanour, unlike that of Sebastian. "Sebastian, this Saturday the Warblers and The New Direction's are hoping to go to the new theme park that just opened up a couple of miles away from McKinley, as a gesture of good will and friendship, most of them have agreed to come, what about you?"

Sebastian's glare deepened and he looked possessed, but he had a creepy and unforgiving, forced smirk on his face. He knew as well as Blaine did that he was backed into a corner in front of his father. Mr Smythe seemed to notice that Sebastian was struggling to pronounce words, "I am sure he would love to go, wouldn't you?"

"Yes," Sebastian said through gritted teeth.

"Then its settled, don't worry, he will be there," Mr Smythe grinned widely. Sebastian, however, was in for hell.

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