One Step Closer

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Blaine tapped his foot excitedly as he stood outside of McKinley High. It wasn't snowing but the cold nipped his nose and cheeks. The fresh winter morning was beautiful, the sky was crystal blue and there was no wind and no clouds. Blaine's breath rose up around his face in plumes of vapour. Students were filtering into the school, best friends were screaming and hugging each other. It was the first day back after winter break and everyone was happy to be seeing their friends and even their enemies. Blaine on the other hand, was waiting for some one much more special, someone, that meant more to him than a best friend, his boyfriend, Kurt. He was beginning to loose patience, when he spotted a very familiar looking, tall brown haired boy getting out of a very familiar pick up truck, and make his way towards Blaine. Blaine's heart flipped as he watched Kurt run up to him and lock him in a tight embrace. "I missed you so much," Kurt mumbled into Blaine's shoulder.

"Awe, I am sorry, but Spain called my name, so I answered," Blaine laughed, joy gripped at his chest because he was once more holding close one of the people he loves the most.

"Next time tell Spain that you aren't home, or that you are with me," Kurt laughed as he let Blaine go, much to both of their dismays.

"I will do," Blaine smiled as he began to make his way into school with Kurt by his side. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Rachel and Finn kissing and hugging each other as though it was the last time they'd see each other. That's just the way love works though, cherish the few moments you have with your loved ones.

Blaine sighed, he was in his first class of the day, maths. Luckily, Mrs Murray was on the phone so the lesson hadn't started yet. Blaine sat near to the back, behind most other students, in front of him was the only empty desk in the classroom. He liked that because it meant that if anyone new came into the class, he would be the first to introduce himself. The class consisted of maybe twenty five students that were all wrapped up in their own little worlds. There were students, texting, talking and laughing. Some others like Blaine were doodling. He was drawing a dragon, it kind of reminded him of Kurt though, it had his chin, and his eyes. Blaine smiled as he thought of a name for the dragon, Kurtis. Yes, definitely, it was perfect.

His teacher, Mrs Murray hung up and sat down to do some of what he presumed was late marking. She looked in her early forties, or late thirties. Her hair was cropped very close to her scalp and she always wore a genuine smile that brought out the sweetness in her deep brown eyes. Not only that, but she always wore skirts and blouses, making her look very formal. Mrs Morris was know to be the kindest teacher at McKinley, not only that but she was a good teacher that knew when to draw the line. When she lost her temper, which wasn't very often since everyone was petrified of her, it was as though all hell had broken loose. Blaine liked her a lot, she reminded him of one of the French teachers in Dalton. He returned to his drawings, just as the classroom door opened. Blaine didn't look up though, he was working on the dragons eye and it needed to be perfect.

"Okay class, we have a new student today," Mrs Morris announced with a thick Welsh accent. This caught Blaine's interest, but he still didn't look up, he was nearly finished, Mrs Morris turned to the new boy and told him, "just take a seat in front of Blaine, the one at the back who is doodling," Blaine snapped his head up when he heard his name being said. His heart froze in his chest and his stomach dropped. At the very front of the class, was a very tall boy with slicked back hair and dark eyes that were illuminated by his own dark and formal attire. Blaine wasn't sure if he should be happy or petrified. It was Sebastian. He looked very different without his Dalton uniform. In fact it was weird seeing him without it on. Sebastian wore a cocky grin as he sauntered towards the seat in front of Blaine and sat down in front of him. Blaine was in shock, he thought Sebastian despised public schools.

With that Mrs Morris commenced the lesson. For once, Blaine wasn't paying attention, he was too lost in thought, staring at the back of Sebastian's head. He was still unsure what to think of this. Should he confront him? Or confer with the glee club? Blaine felt dread and hope rising in his stomach all at once, maybe he could keep and eye on Sebastian, or better yet, get him to join the glee club? However, there was always the chance Sebastian could return back to his more impulsive and nasty self. Blaine silently watched Sebastian for a little while, he was just acting normal and listening. He didn't contribute to class though. It was so strange, how could Sebastian just not acknowledged Blaine? It was unnatural and Blaine was beginning to get unnerved. When the bell finally rang, Blaine sprung into action, he threw his books into his bag and immediately stood up to, tap Sebastian's shoulder. Sebastian sighed and grudgingly turned around, "what?" He stood up and slung his normal bag over his shoulder.

"What the hell? Do you go to school here now?" Blaine asked, infuriated that Sebastian hadn't told him.

"No, I just like to sit into other schools and relearn half the stuff I already know," Sebastian rolled his eyes and began to walk away from an annoyed Blaine.

"Wait, what? Why didn't you tell me you were transferring?" Blaine hissed, as he ignored Sebastian's snark and caught up with him. For every one step Sebastian took, Blaine took two as he tried to keep up with him.

"Why would I tell you?" Sebastian answered him.

"Fair point," Blaine reasoned, "you still could have let me know,"

"Why?" Sebastian snorted as they entered the stream of kids changing classes.

"Because its the decent thing to do!" Blaine argued as he felt anger make his eyebrow twitch.

"Since when was I ever decent?" Sebastian smirked.

"Well... I-I, I am sure that there was one time," Blaine struggled to respond.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and waved goodbye to Blaine as he made his way towards his next destination, "please do not talk to me again!" He said with false cheer. Blaine watched in disbelief as Sebastian slipped into his next classroom with a patronising thumbs up. Blaine realised that his day was going to be one hell of a day.

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