Rest And Recreation

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The next few hours for Blaine were a blur. Sebastian was rushed to the hospital, Mr Smythe was arrested. There were a lot of questions. The thing he remembered most was the lights. The constant flashing of Blue. They would haunt his dreams forever. Blaine also remembered the cold, he sat on the back of an ambulance with Rachel, Kurt, Finn and Puck close by for the rest of the day. It was dusk before Blaine's parents were allowed to take him home. They tried to comfort him, they tried to talk to him, but Blaine was gone. He was shook to his core and he wouldn't ever be the same again. None of them would. The police officers and paramedics had praised them for saving Sebastian and told them that they did the right thing, but they should have called the police. Blaine agreed. He had no idea what he was thinking, why had he been so stupid.

The five if them took a while to get back to grips with reality. They all struggled when they got sent back to school,but it was for the best. They needed normal. Normal was good. Normal was reliable.

Sebastian woke up very slowly. He peeled open his eyes. He was surrounded by white, and hushed whispers. His head was killing him and his chest had seen better days. However the relief that Sebastian felt occupied his interests. He vaguely remembered pain, chains, screaming, flashing lights, Kurt, Blaine and then he remembered nothing. Sebastian raised his head and surveyed the area with a frown. There were nurses talking just outside of the small hospital room he was trapped in. To his left he could see various members of the glee club, fast asleep on some chairs. A smile crossed his face. Blaine and Kurt were sitting side by side, Blaine's head was on Kurt's shoulder and Kurt's head was resting on top of Blaine's head. Warmth spread through Sebastian's chest as he continued to look around the room, Rachel was sitting on top of Finn, she had fallen asleep its her head in his shoulder and Finn's head was resting on the glass behind them. Puck was sitting in a chair, his head was resting in his hand, he was completely gone. Sebastian would have laughed if he could. He tried desperately to ignore the sickening sense of dread that was clogging his mind. Was his dad going to be angry? Was he alone now? Sebastian wasn't sure he could cope without his father, no matter what he did, Sebastian did care about him, and he had always been there, he had always been his staple.

"They were really worried about you," a voice made Sebastian jump.

Sebastian pulled himself up, with much effort and pain, into a sitting position. Mr Shue was sitting to his right, on the window sill with worry creasing his face. "What happened?" Sebastian was shocked at how weak his own voice sounded.

"Well, how much do you remember?" Mr Shue asked him.

Sebastian thought back and frowned, "I remember my dad and then Kurt and Blaine and then the ambulance, but that's about it,"

Mr Shue sighed, he wasn't sure how well Sebastian could cope, "from what I heard, they broke into your house, knocked out your dad called an ambulance," Mr Shue told him hesitantly.

Sebastian's eyes widened as panics took hold of him, "oh my god, is dad ok?" He asked.

Mr Shue couldn't understand why Sebastian seemed to care so much for a man that had obviously dealt him so much damage, "yes, he is fine, but his trial is in a few weeks, even if you don't testify they have enough evidence to lock him up for a life time," Mr Shue said a little but two harshly.

Sebastian's grip on reality was beginning to weaken, "what? No, please tell me that it isn't true," Sebastian begged him.

"I'm sorry," Mr Shue said softly. He felt guilty that he had to tell him this, but he also didn't want to lie to the boy anymore. Sebastian buried his head into his hands and he shook his head in disbelief. He was in denial, "why do you care about him so much," Mr Shue whispered as he became aware that Finn was stirring in his sleep.

Sebastian wasn't sure he wanted to answer that, in all truth, he didn't even know himself. "I don't know, he has just... always been there for me, when I was little we were so close but I guess time and my mothers death made him change," Sebastian admitted. It was the first time he had ever said that out loud and he prayed it would be the last. He didn't want pity nor need it. However, he really did hope his father was ok.

"Is that why you ran away to Paris?" Mr Shue no longer had any control over what he was saying now. Little did Sebastian know, that the supposedly sleeping teenagers were wide awake and listening silently. Mr Shue was vaguely

"Yes, yes it is, and I managed to survive as a runaway there for at least half a year," he said with a twinge of saddened pride, something about the way Mr Shue talked made Sebastian feel safe and made him want to spill his guts. There was an intoxicating warmth around the teacher. Sebastian wasn't sure if it was his reliability or his genuine kindness, but when he was with Mr Shue he felt safe.

"Is that why you joined Dalton later than all the other boys?" Mr Shue asked him.

"Yes, my dad wanted to make sure it was far away from himself and there was no way I could escape without him knowing," Sebastian snorted. He wanted so hard to believe that his dad sent him so far away just to make sure he couldn't hurt him. In many ways that was true.

"But when you were you know... fighting the new Directions I suppose, you didn't ever seem in pain, they didn't notice it until recently," Mr Shue knew that since he had asked him so many questions now, there was no stopping.

"He stopped after the police found me in France, he was petrified I would run away again, he might not have bee the best at showing it... but he did care," Sebastian told him. He knew that his dad did care, he knew it. Even if he never said it.

"I am sure he did," Mr Shue smiled genuinely, "can I ask you one last question?"

"Shoot," Sebastian glanced at the teacher curiously.

"Well, I asked you this before, but you didn't answer, whereas now you can, what made you do it?" Mr Shue asked unsteadily.

Sebastian didn't need to ask, he remembered, "I thought that if I won the competition then my dad would be so proud that he wouldn't dream of it again," Sebastian couldn't bring himself to say the words out loud, "but it just made things worse, he found out about me nearly blinding Blaine and... well... the rest is history," Sebastian refused to go on, "it really wasn't worth it in the end and when Karoffsky... I just came to my senses, it really wasn't worth it,"

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