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Kurt opened his locker, kids were whizzing past him, laughing talking about their day. The atmosphere in McKinley High was good as it was drawing nearer to summer. Kurt began to fish through his locker for his biology text book, but it was to avail. Kurt groaned in frustration, why wasn't his book in his locker. "You looking for this?" Blaine asked.

Kurt jumped and looked round at Blaine with a sly smirk, "there it is... where did you find it?" Blaine was holding up Kurt's biology book like a trophy and with a goofy grin on his face he gave it back.

"You left it in Mr Schue's classroom, where we were supposed to be studying history, you didn't ever notice," Blaine said amused.

Kurt was baffled, had he gone an entire history lesson with a biology book? "Oh, silly me," Kurt smiled and looked confused.

"Kurt, are you ok?" Blaine asked, a worried expression crawled across his face as he watched his partner zone out in a hallway.

"Who me, of course I'm fine," Kurt smiled, it didn't feel genuine though.

"Oh really, because that's the third time you've mixed up your books in the last two days," Blaine raised his eyebrows and leant in, close to Kurt. "I'm worried about you,"

"No, I really am find it's just," Kurt stumbled for words as he glanced at Blaine's gorgeous brown eyes. However his face held a frown.

"It's just what?" Blaine asked softly.

"You never told us what happened between you and Sebastian on Saturday at the mall, you were so angry," Kurt said, his eyes met with Blaine's.

Blaine sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "he was cold and insulting as usual... but... before he saw me... he looked so desperate... I just don't understand him is all,"

Kurt rubbed Blaine's shoulder and smiled gently, "I'm sure he's fine, it's just the pressure of not always getting what he wants," Blaine smiled, somehow Kurt could always make him happy. "Anyway, Finn, Rachel and I are going to Lima after school, you want to come?"

Blaine nodded, "sure,"

The four students walked into the small cafe, the smell of tantalising coffee greeted them and each of them felt a smile on their faces.  They were quick to find their usual couch area and sit down, they were in mid conversation, being loud and boisterous. After they had all settled down they began to talk about one of their several new competitions, and how they were gonna destroy the other teams. Blaine sat contently, he engaged in conversation and watched his friends faces light up.

"Hey, fancy seeing you guys here," a voice broke through the conversations. It was Santana, "do you guys just follow me around now or what?"

"No of course not,"  Rachel said in a fluster, she didn't quite pick up on the sarcasm.

Santana rolled her eyes as she plopped down onto one of the leather couches, "anyway, check out sleeping beauty," Santana pointed her thumb towards the left. Blaine followed her finger. Sebastian was at a table not that far away, he was slouched over and very obviously asleep with sheets and work spread out in front of him. None of them had seen him.

The whole team laughed, "does anybody have a pen?" Finn asked with a mischievous grin.

"Does anyone have a slushie?" Santana asked. They laughed some more before Blaine made eye contact with Kurt. Sebastian wasn't moving. He was very still, it was slightly unnerving. An uncomfortable silence slowly took over.

"Is it just me or is seeing him that exposed not really weird... and creepy," Fin said with a slight frown.

"Yeah... should we wake him up?" Rachel asked slightly unsure as the atmosphere around the teens shifted to worry.

"I'll go for it," Blaine sighed. He pulled himself up from the chair and cautiously approached the dormant volcano. Seeing Sebastian calm and peaceful was nice, but it didn't feel right to just let him sleep exposed in an open area especially in his uniform. Blaine reached the table and he swallowed, with a glance back at his friends, who were watching him like a hawk, he softly shook Sebastian's shoulder, preparing for the worst. "Sebatian?"

Sebastian sat up bolt right. Blaine was shocked. Sebastian eyes darted around the place before landing on the one that woke him. His eyes were wide, full of fear and his whole body looked like it was gonna fight or flight. "Are you ok?" Blaine asked its genuine worry.

Sebastian's face slowly worked itself into a grimace as he began to gather his stuff, "I am perfectly fine," he grumbled and stood up to leave but Santana was in the way, Blaine hadn't seen her move, it was slightly freaky.

"Woah there tiger, we could have left you here all vulnerable, but we didn't and we don't even get a thanks?" Santana said with attitude.

"Santana leave it," Blaine pleaded with her.

The look on Sebastian's face darkened as he glared down at the cheerleader, Santana shifted, she was slightly uncomfortable, as his glare was murderous and threatening, for once he wasn't smirking. "Listen to gay number two and for the record I never asked you to wake me up, so go face hog your girlfriend or whatever the hell you do in your spare time," he snarled.

Santana momentarily froze, this was not the same Sebastian she remembered from just under a week before, where they had been in this very cafe. "Excuse me? It's called a random act of kindness weasel face, you should appreciate it, you two faced asshole" Sebastian's glared hardened and his top lip curled up, he didn't say anything though, he just pushed past her and stormed out the cafe.

The two glee kids returned to their couches without confusion written on their faces. Rachel, Finn and Kurt were stuck for words. "What the hell got up his ass?" Santana huffed.

Kurt and Blaine shared a look, something isn't right with Sebastian and they knew it. "I don't know, do you think he is ok?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah, he was acting pretty funny and with what happened on Saturday..." Fin added. Were the glee kids feeling worry for someone they had so readily despised?

"Hmm, I could ask the Warblers to keep an eye on him I suppose," Blaine suggested.

"Maybe he is just sick?" Kurt asked. The group agreed that, that was the most plausible answer.

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