Who Done It

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Sebastian wrote furiously, three words took up an entire line on his page. He hated this goddamn history homework. Why the hell did he have to do it. He wasn't distracted by the smell of coffee or the people in the cafe around him. He came to the Lima this Saturday to do work, and god help anybody who tried to stop him. He did however notice the young Cece, warily jump up onto the seat in front of him. "Bazzy?" She asked softly.

"Go away, can't you see I am busy right now?" He spat at the shocked little girl. The cafe was full enough so that nobody could see or eaves drop on their conversation.

"But Bazzy-" she began.

Sebastian cut her off, "go away, stop being so damn annoying," he snarled.

She sat, stunned, "I-I am thorry," she stammered.

"I. Don't. Care. The world does not revolve around you," he hissed nonsense insults at her.

She burst into tears, "why are you being tho mean," she cried.

"Because you are bugging me, and I. Am. Busy." He growled. She only started to cry more. Sebastian groaned in frustration as he packed all of his things into his bad and left the toddler there to cry.

Blaine glared at the photos on his phone. He sat in his bed, as anger and curiosity gripped him. It was at least twelve o'clock in at night but he was too desperate for answers, even if he did have school the next morning. Guilt had been eating away at him since Friday, leaving him as little more than a husk. He had shown some of the glee club members the photos and told them what happened, but not Mr Shue just yet. He needed a bit of time. The other club members were struck dumb and Kurt and Rachel had burst into tears. It wasn't right. Whatever the hell had happened to Sebastian wasn't right or fair. Blaine zoomed into one of the bruises on Sebastian's back, it was in the shape of a fist, but around the middle finger was a much darker mark. From a ring probably. It looked to be in the shape of an S. Blaine had seen it somewhere before and it was killing him. He would have driven to Sebastian's house but his father- Blaine's heart stopped. He remembered where he had seen that symbol before. His blood ran cold. Wesley Smythe had ring with a symbol on it that was identical to the mark on Sebastian's back. Blaine sat bolt upright and immediately called Kurt. The phone rang for what seemed to be hours, "hello?" Kurt's voice was croaky, he clearly was asleep.

"Oh my god Kurt, it's his dad!" Blaine was freaking out.

"What who's dad?" Kurt was a little slow.

"Sebastian's dad is the one who is hurting him," Blaine blurted out.

"What? What make you think that? That's a pretty serious accusation," Kurt was wide awake now.

"It's the marks on his back, the S I told you about, his dad had a ring with a mark exactly the same," Blaine told him.

"Yes but that doesn't mean it was his dad," Kurt tried to reason with him. Either that or he didn't want to accept the truth.

"No, but that would sure explain a hell of a lot," Blaine hissed.

The next day in school, Blaine couldn't think straight, he kept searching for Sebastian in his first three classes, but he wasn't in school, which worried Blaine. He wasn't in calculus or English. At break he found Rachel, Puck, Kurt and Finn all standing together in a huddle. "Guys, do you know if Sebastian is in today?" Blaine asked in a panicked tone.

"No, he isn't, I already asked Mr Shue," Kurt replied with wide eyes.

"Why? Is everything alright?" Rachel asked.

"No, if he isn't here then he will be at home and at home is where his dad is," Kurt was catching on to Blaine's train of thought.

"Why is that relevant?" Finn asked.

"Because it is his dad that did it to him," Blaine hissed.

"What? You can't be serious right?" Puck asked.

"I am dead serious, his dad had a ring with the letter S on it and Sebastian has a mark in the exact same shape on his back," Blaine explained.

"Oh my god, we need to help him, he hasn't been off before," Rachel said wide eyed.

"Does that mean we are skipping class?" Puck asked.

"Yes," Finn replied, "we are going to his house now, even if we are wrong, he could be in serious danger right now,"

"Everyone get into my car, Blaine, Rachel, go get his address from Mr Shue," Kurt announced and the group split up to do their respective jobs. Blaine and Rachel rushed into Mr Shue's office in flustered mess, Blaine locked the door "Mr Shue we need Sebastian's address," Rachel boldly announced.

Mr Shue was shocked at their sudden arrival and strange request, "no, definitely not," he refused.

"Please Mr Shue this is really important," begged Blaine.

"It's against the rules, I'm sorry but no. Why do you want it anyway?" He asked with annoyance.

"Because we are really worried about him, Mr Shue, this is very important for Sebastian's safety and wellbeing, please we don't have a lot of time to explain, just please trust us," Rachel begged him.

Mr Shue was very conflicted, "I would trust you two with my life, you are my most trustworthy students... but I don't know..."

"Me Shue please, we can't waste time," Blaine begged him once again.

"Fine," Mr Shue crumbled at the pleas of his students and his worry for Sebastian.

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