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"Mr Shue, we really need to talk to you," Blaine pulled the teacher aside when the bell rang. The rest of the glee club noticed but they left the room without saying anything. Mr Shue's face turned to worry as he pulled over three seats for Kurt Blaine and himself.

"Of course, how can I help," he asked as he sat down on one of the plastic chairs. The pair followed in suit.

Blaine swallowed a lump in his throat, he really didn't want to go against Sebastian's wishes, but right now, his wellbeing was more important than his friendship. Blaine had been fretting about this moment all weekend and now that it finally came, he was nervous and still unsure, "its Sebastian, the other day, when it was raining me and Sebastian were arguing but, I saw underneath his shirt and, it looked as though he had been mugged and then stitched up by a three year old," Blaine expressed his worry.

"What? How bad was it? Wait? Why were you arguing," Mr Shue asked with worry and curiosity lining his voice.

"Well, it was... really bad," Blaine choked, "and we were arguing because we tested his loyalty," Blaine and Kurt looked at the ground awkwardly. However, Blaine was glad for Kurt's company, it was keeping him calm.

"You tested his loyalty? How?" Mr Shue knew that they were clearly embarrassed.

"I asked Coach Sylvester to ask him to try and 'bring down the glee club' but he refused and she told him that we didn't trust him," Kurt explained as his voice quivered with guilt.

"Seriously? I am so disappointed in you guys right now, do you know how unfair that is," Mr Shue scolded them.

"Yes, Mr Shue," they droned.

"Did you apologise at least?" He asked them, he couldn't believe his pupils would do something so stupid.

"No, not yet," Blaine replied.

"Well get to it then," Mr Shue sighed.

"We will, we were intending on it anyway," Kurt replied.

"And as for Sebastian being mugged, there isn't much I can do but stress to his father and the school bored that I am worried about him, but if I had proof..." Mr Shue glanced at them and raised his eyebrows suggestively. He may have just yelled at the boys for testing Sebastian's loyalty, but when it came to the kids welfare, he was more than happy to swing a few low blows.

"We will try our best," Blaine felt a smile creep onto his face at the antiques of his teacher.

Blaine sat in class the following day, a plan was formulating in his head. He knew what he needed to do and he wasn't going to enjoy it. He watched Sebastian in front of him, who seemed to continually doze off into space or when he did try the work he would just run his hand through his hair in frustration. Blaine was worried, a lot. However, he had a feeling that after these next few weeks, Sebastian would be at least getting help. Blaine tapped his fingers in frustration, when the bell finally rang for lunch, he wasted no time in approaching Sebastian. "Sebastian, look, I am so sorry about Friday, it was uncalled for and stupid and all the other club members agree it was unnecessary," Blaine rushed out all his words as all of the other students and even the teacher rushed out of the class room.

"No, I understand, I should have realised that I hurt you and... sometime people need time to heal," Sebastian admitted for a second time.

"What? I but it was us that ended up hurting you, so we are at fault," Blaine was very confused.

"Maybe so, but I over reacted," it felt so good to both boys to finally apologise.

"Come to the boys locker room after school," Blaine told him, guilt yanked at his stomach an Blaine kept repeating in his head, wellbeing over friendship, wellbeing over friendship, wellbeing over friendship.

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