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The New Directions sat around a crackling fire in the centre of Blaine's living room. The room was dark aside from the soft glow from the flames. Soft murmurs passed between the group members as they giggled and talked amongst themselves. Food was set up on a different table, it was all the snacks you could imagine, crisps, chocolate and even marshmallows. Blaine's parents had long since disappeared to bed as it was now in the early hours of the morning.

"Alright, since we are all here, why don't we and I'm kind of bored, why don't we play truth or dare," Puck asked from one of the dark leather couches that all faced inwards towards the open fire.

"I am not sure if that's a good idea," Quinn replied, she was sitting next to Puck and by this time all the teenagers had were interested.

"I think it's a brilliant idea," Sam said.

"Sounds fun," agreed Joe.

"I don't know, the last time I played truth or dare with Puck I ended up skinny dipping," Finn scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"You wha-" Rachel was cut off by Santana's loud laughter.

"Oh yes we should totally play truth or dare, can I go first?" Brittany asked.

"Fire away Brit," Mercedes approved.

"Okay, Kurt, I dare you to eat three marshmallows at once," she giggled.

Kurt looked confused, "okay," he stood up slowly from the couch he had been sitting on with Blaine and crept over the wooden floor to pick up three marshmallows, "here goes nothing," Kurt said sarcastically as he put all three marshmallows in his mouth and ate them,

"Yay, you look like a baby chipmunk with your mouth full, you should do it more often," Brittany cheered.

Kurt choked and everyone burst out laughing, "but don't fill your mouth if your going to choke," Brittany said looking alarmed.

This reduced the room to a fit of childish giggles, Kurt swallowed the marshmallows and with a roll of his eyes he sat back down next to Blaine, who was gutting himself laughing. "It's your turn Kurt," Santana smiled with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Okay... I dare Rachel to... kiss Mercedes," Kurt said unsurely, the laughter quieted to a dull giggle.

Rachel and Mercedes glanced at each other from opposite sides of the open flames, "that fine with me," Rachel smiled.

"Me too," Mercedes replied.

"Okay, but it's not okay with me, I don't wanna loose my lunch looking at those two trying to kiss," Santana sneered.

Rachel rolled her eyes and both he and Mercedes made their way to each other, they looked each other in the eye awkwardly and Rachel giggled. Mercedes sighed, "lets get this over with," with that she grabbed Rachel's face and kissed her square on the lips. Rachel was stunned for a second, then she broke away and burst out laughing.

Both girls then burst out laughing and returned to their seats. The whole room was stunned for a moment, "did that actually just happen?" Puck asked with genuine worry in his face.

"You got an issue with girls kissing Puck?" Santana snapped.

"No, I only have an issue with two people kissing when it's not the gender they're attracted to," Puck argued.

"That's not an issue for me," Brittany giggled.

"Look, girls are cool with kissing each other, it's the kind of thing we used to do at sleepovers," Quinn snorted.

"What? Really?" Finn asked bemused.

"Yup," Santana smirked.

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