Dig A Little Deeper

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The New Directions couldn't quite believe what they were hearing. In front of them, in McKinley, after hours were the Warblers with goofy grins plastered on their faces. It had been quite a while since the teams had met. It had been quite a while since the Sebastian ordeal. The auditorium was empty aside from the two teams on the stage. Blaine assessed the Warblers briefly. All of them looked in good health, they also seemed genuinely happy to be here. Most notably was their captain, Sebastian. He looked the best he had in a long while, the bags under his eyes were gone and his hair was neatly gelled back. His uniform was also very neat and pristine, however, on Sebastian's leg was a massive plaster cast, it was littered with get well notes and signatures. Sebastian was holding himself upright with two very bland looking metal crutches, but that was to be expected. "I still don't understand what you are trying to say," Artie looked confused, "you want us to perform together?"

"Yes, for the big charity event that the make a wish foundation are running this Christmas in a month or so," Sebastian had a genuine smile that had completely replaced his normal cocky grin.

"Why?" Sam asked bluntly.

"Well, we figured that we should make amends... no sorry, I think that I should make amends and what better way to do it than working together?" Sebastian asked as genuine glee was clear in his voice.

"That sounds like a brilliant idea," Rachel smiled, but Sebastian did notice that her eyes held pity.

Artie looked around at his fellow teammates, with several nods of approval he turned to the Warblers, "ok, we are in,"

"Brilliant," the Warblers cheered, all of them were obviously ecstatic to work with the New Directions.

Sebastian watched the Warblers and the New Directions try to work together. It was just like fire and ice, however they seemed to be pulling it off just fine. He sat in one of the many rows of the McKinley auditorium, it was the very seat he had watched the New Directions perform Black or White from. Guilt grabbed at his stomach, that was when he was being horrible to the New Directions. Sebastian shook the thought from his head and continued to watch the performance in progress. "You know, working together requires both parties to join in,"

Sebastian turned his head towards the unfamiliar voice. It was the coach or teacher for the glee club at McKinley. Mr Schuester, the one and only standing right next to him. When had he got there? Sebastian had never met him before but he had seen him around. "Forgive me for not jumping up onto stage and Irish dancing to the Lord of the Dance," Sebastian snorted, he was clearly unamused. It did however surprise Sebastian at his own abruptness and rudeness to a teacher, but something about Mr Shue was relaxing, and Sebastian guessed that he already knew all about him.

The teacher sat down next to Sebastian in one of the seats as had ran a hand through his countless locks of chestnut brown hair. "Perhaps not, but I am sure there are other things you can do to help,"

"I will scream and sing cheers from the sidelines," Sebastian rolled his eyes.

Mr Schue weighed the possibility, "well maybe..." Sebastian glared at the teacher, daring him to say another word, "okay, not your style, I get it, there isn't much you could do," He admitted defeat.

"Thank you, sir," Sebastian grunted victoriously.

"So how did you break it?" Mr Schue asked nodding to his leg.

Sebastian studied the teacher, he looked genuinely interested, almost concerned, "home team Lacrosse," he said quickly.

Mr Schue raised his eyebrows, "I have heard that Lacrosse can be a very brutal sport,"

"Especially where I come from," Sebastian sighed.

Mr Schuester studied the young boy, to think that he was the one that nearly blinded Blaine and photoshopped cruel photos of Finn. He had to ask, "what made you do it?"

Sebastian turned to him with confusion laced with surprise on his face, "you are going to have to be a bit more specific," He hissed, he knew what he was asking though.

"Why did you attack Blaine and photoshop Finn?" The teacher said bluntly.

Sebastian flinched at the words but he never lost his cool demeanour, "for fun I suppose, I got bored and they were easy targets,"

"I don't believe that for a second," Mr Schue snorted.

Sebastian was taken aback, did a teacher just question him? "Alright treble-chin, believe what you want, but it's the truth,"

Mr Schue recognised that he had angered the boy, so he didn't push for more, instead he said something that would stay with Sebastian forever, "I think you are afraid and riddled with guilt over what you did, and that you are genuinely trying to make things better, for that reason, all these kids here, " he gestured to the stage, "would be more than willing to help you and to listen if only you would let them," Mr Schue stared directly at the boy, his gaze never wavering. Mr Schue felt like he was begging, "please just let them help you,"

Sebastian let out an annoyed sigh, he was feeling emotions he couldn't contain, so he didn't reply, he couldn't trust his voice to remain strong. Instead he pulled himself out of the seat with the help of his crutches and hobbled away. Tears pricked his eyes as he climbed the steps, he slid through the doors into the schools hallway. He felt trapped. He needed fresh air. However it felt like the further away he got from them, the worse the feeling got, he wasn't sure what the feeling was, but it felt like sadness, except he wasn't sad, it made him want to cry, to sob, but not in sorrow.

MrSchue rubbed his face. It was clear he had said either the right thing or the complete wrong thing, Mr Schue had pretended not to notice the emotions that had plagued Sebastian's face as he left. Kurt and Blaine were right, the boy needed help, and soon. How he was going to get the kids to do it, or maybe even do it himself, he had no idea. A thought occurred to him, forcing him to change his mind, he was sure that Dalton was dealing with it and his parents must be concerned for him. He was probably getting all the support he needed from home, so there was no need for Mr Schue to take action, but maybe someone else could.

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