Home Sweet Home

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Kurt parked his pick up on the curb outside of the massive house that supposedly belonged to the Smythe family. It was three stories tall and completely white. Their garden was pathetic though, it was overgrown an unmanaged. The sky was a dreary grey and every single person in the car felt sick from either dread or being squashed together. Finn, Puck and Blaine were all squashed into the backseat with Rachel and Kurt upfront. All of them piled out of the stuffy car, happy for the breath of fresh air. "That's a cheery home," Puck snorted.

"Not now Puck," Finn scolded him. However they were all thinking it. The house was downright spooky looking. Rachel swallowed hard and pushed past the boys and through the massive front gates. A dead apple tree sat just behind the walls that enclosed the house. It had very old and shabbily built tyre swing attached to one of its branches. It swung slowly backwards and forwards. Rachel brushed it off and braced herself as she knocked on the front door. The boys stood directly behind her. A few long seconds past and Rachel had just turned around to see what the boys thought when the door creaked open slightly. "What is it?" A rough masculine voice asked, however it definitely didn't sound like Sebastian. In fact, the voice sounded as though its owner was up drinking through the night.

"Umm, hi, we are here to see Sebastian," Rachel squeaked.

"He isn't in," the man roared, but just as he was slamming the door, a very high pitched scream echoed through the house. It was cut off when the door slammed. Rachel felt the scream within her soul. It was desperate and agonising.

She swivelled to face the boys, her face was worried but set with determination, "we need to find another way in,"

"I saw one as I was entering, if looked like an entrance to a basement," Finn told them.

"Lead the way," Kurt encouraged him.

They followed Finn around the creepy house to what looked like a crooked trap door that stuck out of the ground and the side of the house at an angle. Finn yanked its handles, and to his surprise it swung open. Dust flew up into the air. Finn glanced around and with a nod of approval he jumped inside. Finn landed on something that sounded very hollow and wooden. His eyes took time to adjust to the dim light as he climbed down from the wooden object. "Okay, you guys can come down," Finn yelled up to them.

They all climbed down one by one and Rachel was the last to enter. She landed on the ground with a thud and surveyed the area. It was dark and she could only make out vague silhouettes of very large objects. One looked like a fridge, maybe a freezer. The others seemed to be bookcases. "Look around for a door something," Finn told them.

They split apart in their search, but Rachel was curious to what the wooden thing was. When her eyes finally adjusted she was in shock. Rachel gasped, it was a massive coffin. The wood was smooth and refined with golden borders. It looked quite expensive and it seemed to be in impeccable condition, despite the wood around the lock being damaged and splintered as though it had been jolted a good few times. "Cool," Puck whispered as he approached it, "what do you think is inside?" Puck chuckled darkly.

"I don't know," Rachel stammered.

"Let's find out," Puck opened the lid, it let out a massive creek which intrigued the others. They all slowly gathered around it.

"Oh my god," Rachel choked. The inside of the coffin was not as pretty as the outside, it had scratch marks all over the lid and bloodstains were ever where. The top of the coffin which had the scratch marks were also covered in bloody hand prints. Rachel began to hyperventilate.

"Why didn't we all the police?" She gasped.

"We didn't have proof," Blaine replied in a dead voice. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"It explains why he is claustrophobic," Kurt suggested.

"Wait, you think Sebastian was locked in that coffin?" Puck screwed up his face. Rachel felt her entire world slow to a halt, up until now she hadn't believed it. No, she hadn't wanted to believe that Sebastian's father could do something so evil. Seeing this coffin, with desperation etched into it scared her to no end. An unwavering sense of worry and dread washed over the young teens. They were scared.

"Who else?" Fin replied. He shut the coffin and the teens once again looked for the way out of there. It wasn't long until Puck found the door. It was old and crooked and splintering.

"Guys, over here," he called. All of them shushed him. He just rolled his eyes and swung the door open when they had all gathered. Puck blinked several times, the new light blinded him. He looked up at a concrete stairwell with a concrete walls and a small light hung limply from the ceiling. Puck swallowed his fear and entered. He raced up the stairs to the door at the other end, which was in much better condition than the other one. He wasted no time in flinging the door open, ripping the lock from the wall at the same time. The room that it lead into was a mess. It seemed to be a sitting room of sorts. The furthest wall away was only a half wall made of glass. Puck shook his head as he entered the room, no, it was a balcony. There were stairs that led to a lower level that Puck couldn't see. The furniture was overturned and lamps were broken. The couch looked as though it had been slashed up.

"WHY THE HELL WERE THERE KIDS LOOKING FOR YOU AT MY DOOR!" The voice from earlier screamed as a massive bang and crack tore through the minds of the five teenagers, Puck across the room, desperate to find the voice. He froze in his tracks when he got to the balcony. He couldn't focus on anything else aside from a man in a suit with grey hair, who kicked Sebastian's side. Sebastian was collapsed on the floor. Puck didn't even notice Blaine pull out his phone and start recording. All he saw was the man then leaning down and wrapping his massive hands around Sebastian's neck. Finn slapped Puck's arm, forcing him into action. They sprinted down the stairs together and knocked the older man off of Sebastian. Puck pinned the man to the ground and sat on top of him, immobilising him completely. The man hit his head on the floor with a sickening thud and was knocked out.

Blaine and Kurt ran to Sebastian's side. Sebastian just looked as though he had no idea what was going on, but it was quite the opposite, he was all too aware of the crippling pain in his side, and the fact that someone had rescued him. He choked on the air that entered his lungs. "Call an ambulance Rachel!" Kurt yelled. Rachel was panicked and scared, but she did as she was told.

Sebastian looked awful and beaten down. He was covered in injuries from head to toe. What freaked Blaine out was that his arms were tied behind his back with chain and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Aside from that he was fully clothed. Sebastian's eyes focused on Kurt's face. He didn't say anything, he didn't move, he just focused on Kurt. Kurt felt really uneasy but he didn't say anything. He had never noticed before that Sebastian's eyes were a really unique colour of hazel. All eyes were on Sebastian. He looked so fragile, it was unnatural. "Sebastian, can you hear me?" Blaine asked him with a steely voice.

Sebastian's eyes flicked over to Blaine, he barely nodded his head. Blaine breathed a sigh of relief. "So he is responsive, that's a good thing, right?" Chuckled Kurt nervously. It was quite clear to them all that Sebastian was in shock. He was shaking slightly and he didn't seem to be one hundred percent focused.

"The ambulance is on its way," Rachel told them with relief.

"Thank, god," Kurt sat back against an overturned chair. The room sat in a very quiet and relieved bliss. It was over and Sebastian was okay. Well he was alive. That's all that mattered. This bliss didn't last long because all too soon, Sebastian's breathing dropped dramatically, they turned into soft wheezes and his lips began to slowly turn blue. He was in agony, it hurt to breath and move so Sebastian desperately tried to avoid both.

"Guys, I think his lung is punctured," Blaine was almost in tears. He was so close to being okay.

"What do you mean?" Puck asked.

"His lips are blue and he is trying very hard not to breathe," Blaine pointed out. Time slowed for the teens as the sound that they would come to cherish for the rest of their lives became audible. It was the sound of an ambulance.

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