chapter seven

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------the next day-----

I wake up on the couch of a house I have never been in before. but flashbacks of yesterday came to my mind and I smiled. I get up and check my phone. I had 12 missed calls from james so I decided to ring him back.

'LEXY WHERE ARE YOU?!?! I SHOW UP AT YOUR HOUSE AND YOUR NOT HERE!!!' he shouts into the phone.

'I maybe ran into the boys at the store and Louis found out and came to get me not letting me say no to going to his house. ill be home soon and then I have to go talk to simon. im sorry james but I cant accept not seeing him anymore. hes the love of my life as you know and I cant lose him again.' I respond and he sighs.

'okay hun. dont take no for an answer, because I know how much he means to you. and I want to meet him, since I think of you as a daughter now.' he says and I smile.

'okay, I got to go, I love you. bye.' I say and hang up after he says bye. I stand up and walk to the bag I packed and take the clothes I brought to change into. I get dressed into the blue sundress that I decided on for when I go see simon. I do my make up and run a brush through my hair. I leave it down and clip my fringe back with a bobby pin. I walk out after brushing my teeth and all the boys except Louis are on the couches looking upset. "why the long faces guys?" I ask and they all jump up and run to hug me.

"we heard your phone conversation. was what you said about a certain mate of ours?" liam asks and I nod slowly. "I really hope simon says its okay, I cant take seeing Louis like he was again, it was heartbreaking." he continues. after he said that I cringed, I couldn't stand knowing that I caused it. they all see and hug me.

"whats with the group hug?" we hear Louis ask and we laugh. when we pull away I look over at him and I see that hes shirtless and in only pj pants making his v-line very noticeable. I blush and so does he.

"um I have to go guys, I have to talk to simon and then go home, james is probably flipping his shit." I say and they all laugh.

"ill take you." Louis offers and I nod smiling. he walks back to his room and comes back out fully dressed 3 minute later. I smile again and gather all my things and Louis' hoodie putting them in my bag. I give all the guys a hug and follow Louis out to his car. jumping in the passenger seat and buckling we take off. we goof off while on our way there. but unfortunately we get there too soon and we have to part ways.

"okay, thank you lou. I missed you and I really hope that we will be able to see each other again after this, and not in secret this time." I say and he nods smiling

"it was my pleasure lex, I missed you to death. and we will if simon knows whats good for his career." he says and I laugh. I peck his cheek and get out of the car. grabbing my bag I walk up to the door and walk right past the front desk, because they know who I am. I walk straight to his office and walk right in. hes sitting there typing and I sit down.

"we need to talk." I say and he gives me a look of 'that was brave.' but I dont shrink at the stare like I would of. "louis and the boys found me. and they are going to stay in my life. you have kept the only family i have ever had away from me for way too long and im not letting you any longer. especially louis, hes the love of my life and you know that and its why you dont want me near him. you dont need to tear up a family for your own pleasure. i dont care what you have to say. if i lose louis again i will succeed this time. there will be no reason if i dont have him." i say with confidence. he looks at me wide eyed.

"you will succeed this time? so you mean that you have tried to... leave.... before?" he asks not being able to say the phrase and i nod. he then breaks down into tears. "i am so sorry lexy. i never thought it would lead to you wanting to take your life. it wasn't anything about their careers. i didn't want to lose the only family i had left. even though i wasn't home much i felt better knowing that you were safe in my house. i didn't mean for any of this to happen. i love you so much and i cant stand knowing that i pretty much brought you to all this. im sorry, im just so sorry." he says putting his head in his hands. after hearing him say that i jump from my seat and go over to him. he notices my presence next to him and stands up as well. he looks so venerable and honest.

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