Episode 5 (1 Of 4)

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Brain Tribe-

Day 13:

Neal's POV

I wake up and once agian huge storm is coming to us

Neal:This game is lot harder than it looks at tv but i can do it. Rain isn't that big of deal.

Me and Lilah sit in shelter as rain pours on us "Agian." She says "Sadly. But we will make it."

Lilah:I really hope swap is coming cause if loose then i don't know what will do.

Brawn Tribe-

Day  13:

Musa's POV

I walk whit Rachel to get water "I want swap so badly." She says "Why?" I ask out of curiosity "Well i am to be away from Megan and Brad. Those two gets on my nerves."

Rachel:Ever since i stopped to hang out whit Megan, Aras and Scott became more better in my eyes but Brad and Megan are still awful, whole day is two of them yelling at each other.

"Yeah. Scott is kinda sick of them too." I tell her "Good." She says whit smile

Musa:I am suprise by Rachel. She was acting litlle dumb but she is lot smarter and stronger then people thinks she is.

We walk back to camp "Megan! Where the F*ck are you?" We hear Brad "Nope! I am not going back there." Rachel says walking away, i walk soon where she walked cause i am not listening to them

Beauty Tribe-

Day 13:

Jimmy's POV

"Guys we have note. We will have swap." I say to the rest of them

Jimmy:Games starts now. I hope swap won't screw me.

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