Episode 9 (Draw the line)

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Day 21:

"Come on in guys!" Reaming survivors made their way toward Jeff "Are you ready for reward and Immunity challenge?"

"Yes!" Everyone said "But first Caleb." Caleb walked toward Jeff and gave him the necklase. "Immunity is back for grabs in today's challenge you will be split into three teams and you will take turn on obstacle course at the end you'll grab bag of puzzles. First team who has all their bags wins reward. Then the team will batlle for immunity in a puzzle. Person finishing first will win immunity and will be safe at the tribal council." Jeff grabed bag and everyone grabed rock.

"Okay reveal." Everyone opened their hand. Julia had pink rock,Caleb had grey and Jimmy had brown. "Okay. Caleb,Julia and Jimmy step on the mats." They walked on the mats "I think we can say ladies first. Julia pick who will be in your team." Jeff said and Julia looked at remaining people "Lilah." Julia said and Lilah walked toward Julia and they hugged

Julia: The reason why I  picked Lilah is that if we win reward. I can make her feel comfortable.

"Jimmy now you." Jimmy looked "Scott."

"Thanks." Scott said walking to Jimmy "I'll pick Megan." Megan rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Julia last pick." Julia looked and Nicole whispered "Please!" Julia sighed "Rachel." Nicole's jaw droped "Thanks girls." Rachel hugged them. "Jimmy now your last pick. Whoever you won't pick will go to Caleb." Jimmy laughed a litlle "Jessica come on." Jessica smiled and walked to Scott and Jimmy "Nicole that means you'll join Megan and Caleb."

"Now also to the reward. You'll go on feast full of japaneese food and at end you'll see traditional dance."




"Survivors ready!" Rachel,Nicole and Scott got ready "GO!" Rachel and Scott jumped over first obstacle whit ease and Nicole felt down. "Rachel and Scott taking lead for their teams." Jeff said as Scott jumped into the water and Rachel right behind him, "Nicole is strugling." Jeff said as Nicole just got into the water. "Rachel is now passing Scott." Jeff said as Rachel got into the lead. Rachel got to the platform and started to untie first bag as Scott just got there. "Rachel has her knots done and she is heading back!" Jeff said and Rachel jumped into the water whit her bag. Nicole got to the platform "Nicole not caught up to Scott who has probles to untie his bag." Jeff said. Rachel got to the shore and she started running back. "Rachel has first bag for pink team. Now Lilah is on course." Lilah started running. "Nicole is retruning whit her bag. Scott is really struling on the knots." Scott after that finally got his bag "Scott is finally going back." Scott jumped in the water and started to catch up to Nicole "Lilah is getting in the water while Nicole and Scott are returning." Nicole got passed by Scott and Jessica started running for brown "Jessica is on course for brown and Caleb for grey." Both ran but Jessica strugled a litlle on the course meanwhile Lilah started swiming back whit second bag. "Lilah is putting pink team in a bigger lead." Jeff said Julia yelled "Go Lilah!" Caleb got quickly to platform. "Caleb is working on his bag." Lilah started running once she got to the shore. "Lilah returned and Julia is now on the course for pink team!" Caleb started to swim back and Jessica just go to the platform and started to untie the bag. "Jessica is returning back!" Jeff yelled as Jessica started to swim back. "And Julia is in the water and Caleb is back and Megan is last on the course for grey team." Megan started to jump across the obstacles. Jessica got back and Jimmy ran out as last for his team. "Julia is working on last bag but Caleb is closing the gap." Julia jumped into the water and she was swiming as fast as she could "Julia is trying to win it for her team!"

"Come on Julia!" Rachel yelled. Julia got to the shore and Caleb is almost behind her "Will Caleb catch up to Julia?" Jeff asked and Julia got back "NO!" She yelled "Julia,Rachel and Lilah won reward!" All girls huged each other "Now let's get to the immunity challenge." Girls got ready "Survivors ready...GO!" All girls opened their bags and started to move the pieces. "This puzzle has over 30 pieces. "Lilah is startin have something going on." Jeff said "But Julia is not behind." Jeff said and Rachel looked at those too "Meanwhile Rachel is not doing any progress." Rachel said and everyone out of the challenge laughed "It's now Julia and Lilah for the win." Rachel started to panic and  looked over the girl "F*ck!" Rachel whispered. "Julia started moving really fast!" Lilah started to move faster. "Jeff  I have it!" Julia yelled "Say it out" Jeff said to her . "I won't be blindsided tonight!" Jeff noded "Julia wins immunity!"

"YES! YES!" Julia started to jump and Lilah and Rachel hugged her. "Julia come over here." Julia ran to Jeff. "Julia is safe but for rest of you one will go and join the jury tonight. I'll see you at the tribal."

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