Episode 9 (Tribal council)

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Tribal council-

Night 22:

Nine flames walked toward to the tribal. Everyone sat down and smiled "We'll bring the members of the jury." Everyone looked at entrance where two people walked in "Musa and Aras voted out on last tribal." Aras had a death stare while Musa smiled. "So Lilah it looked like that at last tribal you were shocked. Is it true?" Lilah smiled and spoke up "Yea! I mean I'm for sure at the bottom but there is cancer in that big alliance and I think it would be better for them to get rid of her before she will destroy them." Lilah said and she raised her shoulders. "Are you talking about me?" Nicole asked her and Lilah laughed "No." Lilah said "Okay." Nicole replied smiling and Julia shaked her head "Of course I'm talking about you, you idiot." Lilah rolled her eyes "Then why did you say no first time you stupid bitch." Nicole glared at Lilah "I was trying to find out how stupid you really are."

"I want to say how can they keep her when she can't keep any secrets!" Lilah looked at rest of the alliance and Musa on the jury just nod. "At least I'm not a bitch." Nicole said in defence  "I would argue whit that but whatever." Lilah said and Jessica and Scott were trying not to laugh. "Jessica you look like you will explode soon." Jeff looked at Jessica "I mean what Lilah said is right Nicole has hard time to keep a secret." Jessica explained and fixed her hair "But she has been very loyal to this group so I think we can overlook it." Nicole sighed of relife. "BUT do you want to risk that she'll tell us the bottom who is going home?" Lilah asked her and Julia replied "That could be bad if they have idol." Lilah gestured to Julia "See! Julia gets it." Aras rolled his eyes. "We will see if others will get it too. Jimmy you're up." Jimmy stood up and he casted his vote.



Nicole: Leave you mean bitch.




"I'll tally the votes." Jeff returned back whit urn whit nine votes.

"I'll read the votes...First vote Nicole."

"Jessica." Jessica looked at the bottom alliance.

"Lilah. That's one vote for Jessica,Lilah and Nicole." Lilah raised her eyebrows a litlle.

"Nicole. Two votes Nicole." Nicole took a deep breath.

"Lilah. That's two votes Lilah. Two votes Nicole." Lilah and Nicole looked at each other.

"Nicole. Three votes Nicole." Nicole looked around "What?" She whispered.

"Lilah. We're tied agian. Three votes Nicole, three votes Lilah, one vote Jessica." Megan looked down. 

"Lilah. Four votes Lilah, three votes Nicole, one vote Jessica, one vote left." Lilah closed her eyes hoping for tie.




"Tenth person voted out and third member of the jury...Lilah." Lilah smiled a litlle. She stood up and grabed her torch "Lilah tribe has spoken." Lilah laughed, she truned around. "Good luck may the best player win." She left and Megan took a deap breath. "It looked like there has been talk about who can you trust. Take your things and good night." Everybody stood and leaved.

Lilah's exit speech:

It sucks that I'm gone but even whit such a horrible start I had, I think I did really great, I could easily be second out but I made it to the jury. May the best player win.

Jimmy-Lilah: You're threat so you need to leave.

Lilah-Nicole: This is my only chance to survive.

Jessica-Lilah: You cannot do anything we have counter you my friend. Hope we can be friend after this.

Nicole-Lilah: Leave you mean bitch.

Megan-Lilah: Sorry but this is only way to survive.

Caleb-Jessica: I guess we're going whit this.

Rachel-Nicole: Nothing agianst you just splitting the votes.

Scott-Nicole: Sorry but you will get a few votes.

Julia-Lilah: There's no way you will destroy my game.

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