Episode 6 (Tribal Council)

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Tribal Council:

Night 16-

Katana walked into tribal council and sat down "Welcome back." Jeff said "Lilah how do you feel about being here for sixth time in row." Lilah sighed and looked at Jeff "Really annoying." She replied "I am so done. My vote is for sure to make our tribes to be strong." Megan looked at Caleb and both nodded  "Neal do you agree whit Lilah?"

"Of course." Megan rolled her eyes "Megan why the eye roll?" Jeff asked her and Megan laughed "I know both of them are talking about me." Megan said "Lilah isn't that good of liar cause she told me Caleb and now she is saying weakest person so." Lilah looked at Jimmy and Dominick "Don't trust her." She mouthed "So Megan you think it's you?"  Jeff asked her "Me or Caleb one of us." Megan said "Caleb what is your toughts on this?" 

"Not great Jeff." Caleb laughed "If Megan is right which she is. I have that feeling one of us is going and we can't do anything." Caleb said "Lilah is that true?" Lilah looked at Jimmy "No. Megan is trying to make drama for no reason." Megan smiled "Honey I know you." Megan said and Lilah rolled her eyes "Jimmy what is your opinion?"

"Well I would like to make this tribe stronger." Jimmy said and Megan's head droped

"Well let's see. Time to vote Lilah you're up!"



Lilah:You were right I was talking about you. Bye




"I'll go tally the votes." Jeff leaved to get the votes. Caleb looked at Megan who closed her eyes to figure out what she needs to do.

"If anyone has immunity idol and wants to play it than now it' s time to do so." Jeff asked. Megan smiled and stood up "Jeff. I am playing this for myself." She said and sat back down "Acording to the survivor rules if idol is played any votes cast agiast that person will not count. I'll read the votes." 

"First vote...Megan does not count." Megan smiled and Lilah shaked her head.

"Megan, does not count."

"Megan,does not count." Megan smile was growing each vote.

"Megan, does not count. We have still no vote." Megan looked at Caleb

"Next vote."





"Neal. One vote Neal." Neal looked at Lilah "Oh god." Lilah whispered to herself.

"Sixth person voted out. Neal. Neal that's two and tonigh it enough." Neal hugged Lilah and placed his torch "Neal tribe has spoken." Jeff snuffed his torch "Good luck." Neal leaved "Well tonight we can say you can never be sure what is coming next. Grab your things and good night."

Neal's final words:

Wow. I am shocked but great job Megan,I think Lilah just lost all her power over Jimmy and Dominick but I still hope her best of luck.


Lilah-Megan: You were right I was talking about you. Bye

Jimmy-Megan: First you and than her.

Caleb-Neal: Sorry man but you have to go.

Megan-Neal: Sorry Neal but you're going home.

Neal-Megan:Won't be missed.

Dominick-Megan: You are a threat. Bye

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