Episode 8 (Master plan)

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Sakura Tribe-

Night 17:

Julia's POV

We returned back to tribe Aras just went to shelter and Scott whit Rachel went to woods. "Oh my god." Jessica and Nicole hugged me "It worked!" I said

Julia: Our plan worked. We decided to split the votes after we relized how big threat Musa was. We told Rachel that she and Scott would vote for Aras and made Musa whit Aras voting for Rachel and we kicked her out.

"I'll talk to those two." Jessica said and leaved us.

Julia: If our master plan will work than that would be amazing!

Jessica's POV

I walked towards to Scott and Rachel "Thanks guys for doing it. It is for the best." I said and they both nod "So when the merge will happen us five and we will get Jimmy?" Scott asked me and I nodded "Yes after him getting blindsided we have better chances whit him." I said

Scott: Honestly I prefer to have one more guy there. I lost my trust to Aras and I guess I'll stick whit Rachel.

"Alright so see ya later." I smiled and walked back to girls.

Day 18:

I wake up and looked around me. "Nobody awake." I told myself. I look out and saw rainging.

Jessica: I must say this is litlle easier by the weather standarts as in Panama it rained a lot. But here thankfully not much yet. I hope I didn't jinx it. *laughs

Katana tribe-

Day 18:

Jimmy's POV

I sat in shelter while those three were sitting in water

Jimmy: I honestly suprised that Caleb flipped on me since he came up whit that idea. It's just shows that I can't stay whit this group. Hopefully merge will come soon or else I'll be on jury whit Musa.

Megan's POV

"I can't believe that you did it!" I said excited and Caleb laughed "Trust me you made right desicion." Lilah said and Caleb smiled "I know I did."

Caleb: The reason why I picked the girls is that in merge They' ll go first, so I have a shield in merge.


Day 18:

Both tribes walked on their  mats "Drop your buffs." Jeff smiled and everyone's mouth droped. "Oh god!" Julia said and looked at Jessica who was getting her buff down her legs "Here are the buffs." Jeff said and came to Nicole and she took it out and it was red "Wooooo!" Everyone screamed and everyone grabed new buff "We are officialy merged. Go back to Sakura camp and get to know each other better."

Merge tribe-

Day 18:

Julia's POV

We returned to our tribe.

Julia: Honestly ever since I knew we could come up whit name. My mind was only on that *laughs*

I placed my bag to it's spot and looked at everyone "So has anyone any idea for name?" Nicole asked and I raised my hand "Julia?" Megan looked at me "Kurama." I said and everyone looked at me "Okay. Kurama it is."

Julia: One thing you need to know is that I'm huge Naruto and anime fan so I am geeking out so hard right now.

I went over Jimmy and asked him "Wanna talk?" I whispered and he nodded and we walked into the woods "What happened at the tribal?" I asked him

Julia: I honestly had no clue what the hell Caleb done at last tribal but that means Jimmy and I can agian work together.

"No clue. Caleb backstabbed me." He replied and I nodded "So are you interested to work whit me and Nic agian?" It felt like a year before he replied "Of course. So who all we have?" He asked me and I tried my hardest not to jump around "We have Rachel,Scott,Jessica us and Nicole." I told him and he nodded "So majority." He said and I laughed "Yea!" I smiled "So I know I can count on you." I pat his back "Alright let's go to the final." He said and I smiled

Julia: My plan is at this moment not looking bad. Just have to keep Rachel and Scott.

Night 18:

"So does anyone want to watch the fire?" I asked and only Aras said "Yes" I sat down and he sat across.

Julia: This could possibly be my chance to get some information from Aras and to see where he stands.

"So I guess you're not coming whit us?" I said and he almost laughed "I cannot be in alliance whit sl*ts like you." He laughed and I looked at him if he is serious.

Julia: Have no fucking clue what is his deal. He just sighed his death note. No pun intented.

"You are serious whit that part?" I asked him and before he opened his mouth I jump in "NO shut up you asshole. If you think you can talk to me like that No! Okay? Did you hear me?" I told him  and he rolled his eyes "I heard you." He smiled. "How when you're sitting on them." I snaped back and he glared  "Don't you dare bitch-"

"I am doin it! Deal whit it!" I walked off to water.

Aras: I have no clue what the hell is her problem but I am alright she will leave first.

"I just don't understand how people like that even exist."

Julia: I don't care if Aras meant that as joke or something but I not gonna let him slide.

Day 19:

Lilah's POV

Me and Megan walked whit the three brawn "So I think it is best to stick together." I explained "Of course those bitches betrayed us." Aras said and Rachel rolled her eyes "Yeah. But don't be such a ass about it."  Rachel smiled and Scott looked at Megan "I know we might had a problem but I am ready to work whit you." He said and she smiled "Thanks." She laughed.

Megan: Our plan is so far going good. Hopefully it will work. I'm ready to kick ass!

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