Episode 10 (Immunity)

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Day 24:

The final eight made their way to the immunity challenge. "Are you ready for your next immunity challenge?" Everyone nod "But first Julia I gotta take it back." Jeff said and Julia whit small smile came to him "I will return honey." Julia laughed and Jeff put the immunity back on it's place. "Immunity is back up for grabs in today challenge. You'll  be standing on a narrow beam, and using a long pole, you must balance a statue. At regular intervals, you will move further away from the statue. If at any point, you fall from the beam or drop your statue, you are out of the challenge. The last person left standing wins. We'll draw for spots."




"Survivor ready? GO!" Nicole right from the start pushed the statue over "Nicole in less than seconds is out." Nicole sat on the bench and shaked her head. "We will be like that about five minutes." Jeff informed and Julia felt "Julia out of nowhere fell and now is out of the challenge." Julia rolled her eye and sat by Nicole "Everyone is looking good."

Time passed: 5 min.

"We'll move further away." Everyone was making small steps "Shi*t!" Caleb said as he droped "Caleb is now out of the challenge." As Jeff said Julia smiled to herself.. "We're down to five." Jeff said and Scott almost felt "Scott amazing recovery." Scott started shaking agian and this time he failed "But couldn't save himself this time. We're down to four. Megan,Jessica,Jimmy and Rachel." 

"Let's place bets everyone." Scott said and Julia replied "Okay. Megan won't win." Megan smiled at that "We'll see." Megan said and he statue felt "Damn it." 

"Megan is out of the challenge." Jeff said and Julia showed her hand "I'm waiting for your money." Julia replied. "Thank god that I don't have any money." Megan said.

Time passed: 10 min.

"We will move agian." Jessica,Jimmy and Rachel were making small steps and Rachel almost droped her statue. "Okay." She said to herself. "Crap." Jessica said after her statue droped "Jessica out of nowhere is out." Jessica fixed her hair a litlle and sat besided the rest. "Welcome to the looser group." Megan told her. 

Time passed: 22 mins.

"We're on a last beam. Jimmy and Rachel are looking like a rock. Neither had move." 

"There is bug on me." Rachel said starting to move a litlle. "Rachel is starting to move." Rachel was moving from side to side "Rachel is  now strugling." Rachel's statue felt over the other side "Rachel is out. Jimmy wins immunity!" Everyone started to clap. "Jimmy come over." Jimmy whit big smile walked over to Jeff "Jimmy is safe tonight for rest of you one will be voted out and will join the jury."

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