Episode 7 (Double trouble)

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Tribal Council:

Night 17-

Both tribes walked toward the tribal. Whit whole Sakura tribe without torch. "Sakura tribe behind each one of you is torch grab it and dip it in the fire." All members did so and they sat down. "Well welcome Sakura for your first time and Katana for your third." Lilah smiled and shaked her head "So Lilah once agian. So far you did not miss a tribal." Jeff pointed out and Lilah laughed "Yeah last time I was barely to tribal and now I didn't leave this place once." Lilah said "While for you Jessica this is first."  Jeff said and Jessica smiled "Yeah. I've been lucky whit my tribe and I'm happy that I didn't have to go to all tribal." At the end Jessica laughed "Sorry Lilah." She said "It's okay." 

"Caleb how does this make you feel. You maybe can get some info from the other tribe." Jeff pointed out "Yeah. That's true but I think we are all carefull whit our biggest info." Caleb replied "What about you Scott?" Jeff asked him and Scott smiled "Agree whit Caleb." Scott looked at Rachel and gave her a litlle wink and Rachel smiled "Megan do you feel worried since you almost have been voted out?" Jeff asked her and Rachel looked at her old tribe mate and waiting for her reply "Well yeah but hopefully my plan will work tonigh." Megan smiled "Does that worry you Dominick?" Jeff asked him and Dominick smiled "Yes. I mean she is great player but I don't worry about my alliance."  Dominick smiled and Musa rolled her eyes "Musa why that reaction?" Jeff asked her and Dominick looked confused at her "Well I was thinking same about my alliance but that didn't turn out well." Musa said and Rachel looked at Scott and raised her eyebrows and shaked her head "Rachel it looked like you don't agree?" Jeff looked at Rachel and she whispered "Damn."

"Anyway. No I was just trying to figure out something." She said and Jeff simply nodded "Julia does it worry you?" Julia looked at Rachel "Litlle bit yes." Julia replied "Well does anyone have to say?" Jeff asked and Megan raised her hand "Please everyone stick to the plan." She said and she sighed "I would like to also say that one and three original vote okay?" Julia said and everyone looked at her "Julia what do you mean by that?" Jeff asked her and Julia smiled "Secret." Aras just shaked his head in distrust. "Well let's vote. We will start whit Katana. Dominick you're up." Dominick stood up and went to vote.




"I'll read the votes." Megan and Lilah grabed their hand and looked at each other. "First vote...Lilah." Lilah sighed

"Lilah. Two votes Lilah." Jessica looked at Katana tribe in aprroval.

"Dominick." Dominick looked at Jimmy and Caleb whit confusion

"Dominick. We're tied. Two votes Lilah, two votes Dominick one vote left." Lilah took deep breath.












"Seventh person voted." Jeff took a long pause and then he revealed last vote.









"Dominick." Dominick's and Jimmy's mouth droped while Lilah and Megan hugged each other "WoW." Julia said to Jessica. Dominick went to Jeff while he placed his torch he fixed his torch "Dominick the tribe has spoken." Jeff snuffed his torch "Time for you to go." He said and Domincik looked back "Good luck Jimmy." With that he leaved and Jimmy looked at Caleb.

Dominick's exit speech:

I am still suprised by that vote. I was thinking Lilah will go home and it looks like that Caleb flipped which is really sad. I hope he'll go out soon.


Dominick-Lilah: Bye. You need to go and I don't like you.

Lilah-Dominick: Small spoiled brat will hopefully go home.

Megan-Dominick: I really hope your ass will leave.

Jimmy-Lilah: You are threat and you need to go

Caleb-Dominick: Sorry but you need to go. I am really sorry.

"Well Sakura your turn. Rachel you're up." Rachel stood up




Rachel: This plan is AMAZING. You won't see it comin at all.




"I'll tally the votes." Musa looked at Julia and she smiled. Jeff returned "Alright I'll read the votes."

"First vote. Aras." Aras looked at Rachel and she smiled

"Aras. Two votes Aras." Megan smiled as person she hated might leave.

"Rachel. One vote Rachel." Rachel looked Aras.

"Musa." Musa looked at the girls.

"Rachel. Two votes Rachel,Two votes Aras."

"Musa. We're tied. Two votes Musa, two votes Aras, two votes Rachel. One vote left."

"Oh my god." Musa covered her mouth."













"Eight person voted out and first member of our jury..."













"Musa." Musa's jaw droped and Rachel looked at Scott suprised "Oh my god." Musa stood up,grabed her torch and walked to Jeff "Musa tribe has spoken." Jeff snuffed her torch and Musa leaved. "Well return to your camps and goodnight."

Musa's exit speech:

I am so suprised. I'm honestly shocked. I can't believe what happened. I'm confused since we changed the plan to Rachel and I should know it is weird but here I'm sitting here but thankfully on jury.


Rachel-Aras: This plan is AMAZING. You won't see it comin at all.

Aras-Rachel: Bye bitch!

Musa-Rachel: Last change sorry girl.

Julia-Musa: This plan will blow you out. Bye

Jessica-Musa: Goodbye you can leave.

Nicole-Musa: Just as it was planned.

Scott-Aras: Sorry but better you than me.

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