05 | billionaire in a friendship

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pov : kitkat

MY EYES WIDENED when they landed on a familiar girl, with a very familiar hairstyle. In a funeral where everything is black, neon green streaks on black hair are outstanding.

I turned to see Auden talking to a guy. He never let go of my hand. He always held it. I tried to slip my hands out when he turned around to look at me.

"I will be back," I said, smiling widely and he nodded, smiling at me. He let go of my hands and I immediately felt the warmth go away. I made my way towards her.

She turned around when I called her name and it was her.

"Hey, biatch!" Shira cheered. "What a small world." She came hugging me and I smiled, hugging her back. Even though we only met that day, I felt like we had been friends for our whole lifetime.

"Hey." I pulled away and she eyed my dress.

"Someone's looking hot." She winked. "Where's your guy?" Her eyes scanned the crowd.


"Hey, Shira." A voice broke our conversation and both of us turned to look at Vanessa, giving Shira a sweet smile as she completely ignored me.

"Hey." Shira deadpanned, her voice showing her lack of interest. "What are you doing here?"

"Coach died. Of course, I'm going to be here." She said.

"You hated Coach." Shira snapped. "You always wished for him to die remember?"

Vanessa rolled her eyes. "That was just for fun. By the way, tell your friend here to stay away from my guy." Her eyes finally landed on me as she glared at me.

I have dealt with bitches my whole life.

Dealing with this one bitch won't be a problem.

"He only likes people like me. I'm beautiful." She flipped her hair off and I almost wanted to laugh when her hair whacked a poor guy's face behind her. "He only prefers flexible girls anyway."

"Bitch please, I can remove 90% of your 'beauty' with a wet kleenex." Shira snapped and I laughed when Vanessa frowned.

"And," I added. "It's impressive that you are flexible enough to have your foot in your mouth and your head up your ass all at the same time," I answered and Shira looped her arms with mine as both of us laughed. There were smokes of fire coming out of Vanessa's ears.

She stormed away and as if on cue, me and Shira high-fived one another.

"You always hated her?" I asked.

"I am not a gynaecologist but I know a cunt when I see one," Shira answered and I laughed.

"I want to high-five her in the face with a brick, covered in spikes and dipped in poison," I said, rolling my eyes as I thought of Vanessa.

"She can go swimming in acid in a straight-jacket," Shira said and I laughed.

"She can choke on her puke," I said.

"She can go step on a lego!" Shira said and I gasped.

"That's just plain mean."

"Well, what can I say?" Shira said and I laughed once again. Suddenly, her laughter stopped and her eyes were looking behind me.

I turned around to see the guy, the ex who came to the bakery that morning. He was dressed in a suit, talking to Auden. They were both smiling about something. So, Auden knows Theo?

"Is that...?"

"Yup. That bag of shit himself." Shira glared at Theo. Suddenly, Theo turned to look at us and Shira's eyes widened. Auden's eyes met mine and I gave him a small smile, which he returned, making my heart warm up.

Theo started walking towards us, particularly Shira with a very determined stance.

"Gotta Zayn!" Shira shouted, pulling my arm together with hers as we moved through the crowd. I looked behind to see Theo, with a wide grin as he continued his journey to us. He blocked Shira's path as he stood in front of her. "Gotcha!"

"Get the fuck out of my face."

Both of them started arguing again and I stood there awkwardly. Soon, Theo left with a broken sad face again and I couldn't help but pity him. Shira turned to me, breathing out hard through her nostrils. She smiled but I could see the sadness in her.

"So, who is your guy?" Shira asked and I turned around.

"He is not my guy," I said to which she rolled her eyes. "The one Theo is talking to."

Shira's eyes widened and she wanted to say something went the speaker cut her off. Everyone went to their seats to get ready and I automatically went to Auden, sitting beside him. He smiled and took my hand, intertwining it with his.

It's just a friendly gesture.

It's so not friendly. It's so not friendly.

When the funeral orations began, then only I could see how much Auden respected his coach. How he was good with his friends. How much he had enjoyed his high-school life. His past. I smiled, hearing all the stories.

"...I always knew how to play basketball even before I joined the team, but the coach taught me not only how to play it but also how to win it. Thank you, Coach." Auden finished his speech and walked down the stage towards me with a small smile. I smiled back and he connected his fingers with mine once again.

Ever since this morning, he never let go of my hand. Auden is becoming a part of my life too easily. I shouldn't let that happen. Don't trust people Katherine. They will only hurt you in the end.

With that thought, I shrugged my hand out of his hold, looking away, afraid of his reaction.



That Burn Vanessa got! 🤘😂

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