19 | billionaire in rest

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The brownies were ready. I quickly jumped and put on my gloves. Rushing to the oven, I pulled the tray out and placed the brownies carefully onto the dining table. The dining table was filled with food. It is what I had been doing all day. We reached home about ten in the morning. Forcing Auden to get good sleep, I pushed him towards his bedroom and he slept like a baby.

After making sure that he was sleeping, I took a nap myself and woke up later at about one in the afternoon. I tried waking him up but he was sleeping like a dead body. I wanted to pour a bucket full of water over him but he was just too cute, sleeping. And, he looked extremely tired, both mentally and physically so I let him be.

After that, I ate some buns that Shira gave to us early in the morning and decided to cook some food so that when Auden wakes up, he would have something nice to eat. It was currently four in the evening and he still has not woken up. But, I did hear something shuffling behind the door to his room just a few minutes ago. I wonder what he is doing. Should I check up on him?

Dusting imaginary dirt off my hands, I took off my gloves and walked towards his room. I heard another sound behind his door again and I quickly opened the door.

He was awake.

The problem was that he was standing there, after a nice fresh shower, water droplets rolling off his toned chest. His white towel was wrapped around his waist loosely and I was afraid it was going to fall. It was so damn loose. His hair was wet and he looked very fresh. My eyes widened when I met his. He had caught me red-handed gawking at him. There was a playful smirk on his lips and with a swift move, he pulled me into the room. My hand met his chest and I couldn't breathe with all his muscles pressed up against me.

"Good evening." He said, a smug smile on his face as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Didn't know you were so eager to come and see me."

"I thought you were sleeping—"

"Everyone here knows that you are using that as an excuse." Auden winked, leaning closer. He smelled of mint and fresh air that blows in the forests. A water droplet from his hair dropped to my neck and I stiffened visibly. Noticing that, he immediately started shaking his head. A rain of water droplets fell on me and I whacked his arm, making him let me go.

"Auden you are a dog!" I said, wiping away all the water from my face. He laughed amusedly, resting his hands on his hips and I tried hard not to look at his naked chest. For a moment, his laughter made me smile because he looked so tense when we were in the hospital and now he is better again.

"Do you need a towel?" Auden asked, a mischievous spark in his eyes. "I have got one right here. I can remove it for you—"

"No!" I yelled, covering my eyes and his hands started pulling on his towel. His laughter filled the entire room, bouncing off the walls and I could feel his arms circle my waist once again. I was pressed up against him all over again and I still didn't dare remove my hands away from my face.

"Open your eyes Kitkat." His breath fanned my ear and goosebumps erupted on my skin. His voice was soft and warm. "Don't be shy. You will have to see it sooner or later." He whispered teasingly as if he knew it was going to happen. My cheeks blushed with a furious red at what he said and he removed my hands away from my face, before reaching forward and kissing my forehead. My heart fluttered and his lips brushed my forehead teasingly after kissing. It's still a mystery to me how he makes my heart race so fast.

"I can feel your heart beating fast." He whispered into my ear and my breath hitched. My cheeks were burning with every colour and not just red. My eyes widened and his fingers suddenly held my hand, guiding them to his heart. He placed my palm above his heart and I could feel his heartbeat matching the speed of my own. "My heart celebrates your presence like it's a festival." He said, meaning it and I felt myself hot all over again. My insides were melting at his words and I couldn't think properly. He suddenly stepped back, a smug smile on his face, our eye contact never breaking.

"Do you want to stay here? I'm going to change." His hands reached his towel again and I quickly moved away, feeling the burning feeling on my forehead spreading all over my body. The atmosphere felt hot like in a furnace and I walked out of the room, muttering a weak 'no thanks' to a very amused Auden.

I walked out of the room, closing the door shut and let out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding. I coughed, suddenly feeling a little suffocated and that's when I realised the smoke that was coming from the kitchen. My eyes widened and I ran as fast as I can to the kitchen to see the oven on fire.

"Holy shit!" I shouted, panicking and grabbed the pillow from the sofa, waving it on the fire which only burst into more flames. I screamed, scared of the burn it would cause.

"Fuck! The FUCKING oven is on FUCKING FIRE!" I screamed, hoping Auden hears it. I fanned again and again. I realised later that I was helping the fire make more fire babies as it started spreading. "SHIT!" I screamed, grabbing the glass of water beside me and throwing it at the oven. I accidentally threw the cup together with the water in my panicked state. The glass smashed against the oven and broke into smithereens. I screamed once again, looking around for something to use.

I felt strong arms push me away. "FUCK! The oven is on fire!" He said, looking at me bewildered. "What the hell did you do?"

"I was making brownies for you. I don't know what happen—" Suddenly, some loud popping sound came from the oven and Auden moved in front of me immediately with a concerned expression etched onto his face. He covered me from the oven protectively.

My hero.

"We need water, Auden!" I exclaimed, searching for water. Immediately, Auden rushed to the sink, filling a blue bucket full of water. He came in front of me with the bucket and threw the bucket of water he was holding onto the oven. The fire dimmed down a little. "I will pay for the cup of glass. I accidentally broke it. I'm so sorry—"

"Grab that fucking kettle behind you! Do you think I fucking care about the glass cup right NOW? The fucking kitchen is on fucking fire!" He shouted and I nodded timidly. I looked behind me and grabbed the kettle, giving it to him. He threw the water over the oven and the fire disappeared once and for all.

Here comes my embarrassment.

I fiddled with my fingers, my lips pursing and my eyes wide with fear at what he was going to say. He turned around to look at me. He placed the bucket on the counter and walked over to me. His eyes scanned my body, not in a seductive way but in a concerned way, as if checking for any injuries. My heart warmed at his concern.

He breathed out a loud sigh before looking at my face. An amused smile danced on his lips and soon he was laughing out loud. His fists were banging on the table and I was standing there with utter embarrassment carved onto my face. His laughter filled the entire kitchen and soon a smile broke out of my face at his contagious laughter.

After a few seconds, both of us were laughing and Auden stopped after I started laughing. He reached me and pulled me into his arms. I felt like this was becoming a familiar thing between us and I didn't protest.

"You were making brownies?" He questioned, very amused. "For me?" His bright blue eyes were wide with adoration that he reminded me of a little boy.

"Want to taste them?" I asked eagerly.

"Of course love." He grinned widely.



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