49 | billionaire in slumber

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B I L L I O N A I R E  I N  S L U M B E R

"I'M GOING TO become a terrorist and kill thousand people and a monkey."

"Why do you want to kill a monkey?"

"See! No one cares about the thousand people." Shira burst out through the phone and I couldn't help but laugh at her stress. It had been a week of preparation and only a week is left.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, knowing that I was going to get a snarky response. I held the phone between the crook of my neck and chopped up the beans to throw them in the minestrone I was making for Auden. Plus, I was craving some soup myself. He seemed to have a headache because of work lately. He had been spending almost half of the day back at work to sort out the mess of his and his Mother's company. He arranged meetings that he had skipped and made new deals that would help the company.

He was sleeping now and he looked extremely tired and worn out so I was calling Shira to let her know that I would not be coming today to help.

"Nothing like planning a wedding to make you want to punch every person you have ever met in the throat," Shira said, an underlying tone of sarcasm in it and I could hear the stress in her voice.

"What's wrong now?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted my bridesmaids to wear lilac-blue colour but others are saying to use different colours and I don't know what to choose." Shira let out an exasperated sigh and I pursed my lips.

"It's your wedding—" I was cut off when I felt soft kisses down my shoulder. A hand circled my waist, backing me up towards a body and I felt my body stiffen at this seductive man's haunting touches. I cleared my throat, trying to concentrate.

"It's your wedding Shira. Not theirs. Choose what you want. Make it your style. Don't care about others." I said and I was met with a second of silence. I could hear the gears turning in her head at my sentence.

"Lilac Blue it is." She sighed. "By the way, you are my maid of honour." She excitedly screamed and I smiled at the news.

"You do know that you have to ask me first." I teased. "It's a form of courtesy."

"Best Friends don't have courtesy." I could practically picture myself seeing Shira roll her eyes. "The moment you became my Best Friend, you have been chosen to be my maid of honour."

I smiled. "Ok, I will pretend that you asked me." I teased her once again to which she groaned. Auden's hands were now roaming dangerous places and I pushed him away much to his dismay. I glared at him to which he smirked.

"Did you get the invitation?" She asked and I looked over to see a gold letter informing me about the dinner party held tomorrow by the association. Auden had brought a lovely golden dress home when he came earlier and I was so thankful for it.


"I think you will win."

"I don't know," I said, pursing my lips. But, I had hope that I would get a few votes but winning? Not really.

"Ok, I got to go. They are calling me." Shira said before the line went dead and I continued cooking the minestrone, ignoring his stares towards me.

"I love you." He kissed my shoulder again and I melted.

"I love you too," I replied, turning around for just a second to kiss his lips. He moaned, wanting to deepen the kiss but I pushed him away. He pursed his lips.

"I hope you are not using the oven." He said and I laughed, recalling an accident which happened a long time ago.

"I'm not," I said. "I'm making soup for you."

"I know." He moaned, kissing my cheek. "What did I do to deserve you? Such a perfect woman." He said, his voice still sleepy and tired from his nap, but sincerity was dropping from it. I blushed, grinning before turning around to kiss his lips.

"Of course I am." I teased. "I deserve so much better." He pouted, and I laughed before wrapping my arms around him. His blue eyes stared into mine, as his thumb stroked my cheeks softly. His gaze was serious and he only ever looks at me that way when asking a certain question.

"Just marry me," Auden said, almost begging and I smiled, kissing his bare chest.

"Maybe later." I winked.

"So, is that a yes?" He smirked.

"No," I said and he grinned widely before kissing my forehead. I turned around to see the soup. It was ready now and I smiled. "The soup's ready."

Just then, my phone called again.

"I will take care of the soup," Auden said. "Attend the call." He shifted from me and immediately went to work. I kissed his cheek before attending the call.

"I have some fucking good news." Uncle West said and I smiled, excited to hear about it. Just a few days ago, I had told him about interrogating the captain of the boat. I remembered the boat name, it was named 'Sweet Mercy'. I remembered his ginger hair. When I had told Uncle West about it, he had immediately set to work.

"What is it?" I asked eagerly.

"We now have a witness in our arms." Uncle West said. I could tell that he was trying to remain calm but he was excited just like me.

"How?" Shock coursed through my body. How did they make the captain accept that he was an accomplice to murder in just a few days? "How did you make him—"

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Uncle West said and I smiled. "Well, we found that he had a soft spot for his Son. And, we pulled a few strings, threatened and pushed the right buttons and the truth came flowing out." He said, sounding pretty proud of what he had done.

"Wow." I breathed out.

"We also have our next evidence." Uncle West said and my eyes widened.

"The place where your parents drowned," Uncle West said. "Had a CCTV camera." My heart soared in hope as my jaw dropped. I turned around to look at Auden who was looking at me calmly, his form slanted against the wall. "They had taken it down five years ago. We searched, pulled some strings again and have the fucking recording of the entire scene."

My heart stopped beating.

I couldn't believe it.

"Are y-you—" I cleared my throat as tears brimmed my eyes from happiness. "Are you s-serious?" I asked, feeling happy that my parents can finally rest in peace. That justice will be finally given.

"Yes." Uncle West said.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I said, tears flowing down freely from my eyes and Auden immediately pulled me towards him, understanding the whole situation. "Thank you. I will never forget this help."

"Don't mention it, girl." Uncle West said, sounding happy.


Is there any Harry Potter fans here? Don't worry if you are not a Harry Potter fan muggle. There's nothing Ron with that.

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