36 | billionaire in adoration

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B I L L I O N A I R E  I N  A D O R A T I O N

"YOU ARE WINNING that company back lady." I heard a voice behind me and turned around immediately. It was Mrs Rosetta Sinclair.

Why does she always have to witness my fights?

"What?" I asked. She walked towards me and held my shoulders in firm support.

"You are winning that company back. I know you can do it." She smiled and continued. "You are looking at me as if any member of the queenistas have the authority to sue a company and win it back with strong evidence. Especially with special support from the head of the association and the other powerful members of the association. There is a very high chance of winning — for example, let's say 99% chance of winning." She winked. What she said, sunk in my brain slowly and my eyes lit up in excitement.

I can win it back.

She seemed to notice that I have gotten the idea of what she was trying to tell me. She gave me a warm smile and started walking away. I quickly held her wrist to make her look at me.

"Thank you for never secretly videotaping me when I am insulting someone I hate," I said genuinely and she laughed heartily before giving me an assuring nod. "You are most definitely welcome." With a smile, she left and I felt myself relax.

"Who is she?" Auden's voice reached my ears. I turned around to see his face in a stern expression. Like he was completely unhappy.

"Mrs Rosetta Sincl—"

"Nope. The one before."

"Mrs Randa Vilary," I said. He already knows her. Why would he ask? My heart started panicking and I felt myself tense up as he walked closer towards me. He seemed determined.

"Let me rephrase the question." He sighed. "Who is she to you KitKat?"

"I got her to give your Mother's company bac—"

"Stop changing the topic. I don't care about the company anymore." His voice sounded strained and he tucked a piece of strand hair behind my ear. "Please tell me KitKat. Stop hiding things from me." He looked like he was in pain and I quickly inched closer and hugged him.

"It's not important Auden."

"Please. Fucking please." Auden begged. "I need to know." He let out a sharp breath and I pulled myself away from him.

"She is my mother's younger sister," I said and he tensed under my touch. He looked at me, waiting for more. I can't make him wait anymore. He deserves to know. He has every right to know about my life. The time has arrived for me to let him know every single chapter of my past.

"De Beauty's fashion store was my mother's. She developed it by spending her own money, the money that she saved every day by working as a waitress in a bar ever since high school. She faced many obstacles. It was a dream come true when the shop finally opened. It started the day I was born. She always called me her lucky charm because of that." I smiled at the memory and it dropped in an instant when her evil sister's face came into view.

"Because of the money and the fame my mother received, her sister, Randa got jealous." I paused for a while before continuing the horrible memory. The memory came in photographs. A slide after slide. Photographs of my life that I never showed anyone, except now. These memories made me strong. These memories are the worst, cutting my insides as if they were shards of glass.

"Once my mother died, she wanted the company all to herself. I refused to give that to her. My mother had written the company in my name. I was fourteen years old when she died. Slowly, the house that my mother bought turned into hers. And I lived as a maid in my own house. Randa treated me that way. She had two daughters and two sons. All four were evil just like her. They used me. They played me. I was the Cinderella of the house. That was my nickname." I said.

"I withstood all the torment for my Mother. But, when Randa decided to marry me off to some stupid, ugly and sick businessman for money, I decided enough was enough and ran away from the wedding. That's when I met you." I looked up to see him.

A faint smile stretched across his lips but his eyes shined with sadness. "That's when you met your Prince Charming." He corrected me and stroked my cheek softly. I let out a small chuckle. There was a comfortable silence for a while as we gazed at one another.

"You are such a strong woman. So strong. I am so proud of you. You are with me now. I will always protect you. You will never face those situations ever again." Auden mentioned with pride and I felt like I had accomplished something great in this miserable world. He kissed my forehead. "I love you." He muttered it into my ear and I felt warmth surround me once again.

"I am going to win that company back for you." He said with determination and I sucked in a sharp breath.

"No. Aude—"

"Your mother is the reason you are in this world. She is the reason for bringing happiness to my world. I want to thank her. And if this is the only way, I will do it." He promised me and I felt tears brim my eyes.

What a wonderful human being he is. I am so glad I ever found you. I finally understand the phrase, 'You are the light to my darkness. I understand the deep, beautiful and bitter meaning of it now.

"Auden..." I dragged, unable to form words. "You are a little puddle of sanity in my ocean of dysfunction which is my life, right now," I said and he smiled, kissing my nose. That's when a question suddenly popped up in my mind. "How do you know that I gave up the company?" I asked.

"I received a call from my mother saying that the company is back in her hands. That's when my suspicions grew even though I felt happy. I pieced things together and I knew you would have done something stupid like give up your company." He replied smartly, I reached forward, and kissed his forehead tenderly. Due to my high heels, I was able to reach him.

"Let's enjoy this ball now." He whispered and I smiled, relaxing. The weight that I had carried within me this whole time was finally gone and I felt free, even though there was still a tiny part stuck to my heart. A burden that would never go away like a piece of chewing gum stuck to my feet.

Auden thinks I have told him everything. But, I didn't tell him a huge part of my past. He didn't need to know that. No one ever needs to know that.


Hey guys!

A lot of you loyal readers asked about me in comments and PMs, I'm so thankful for that. It means so much to me that you guys care. (: Maybe I will just let you guys know why I was absent. The main reason is because of a PM I received about this book. They said it was trashy and stuff like that. It hurt me and I was already facing a situation back in my life. Some of you guys might know about my cheating Boyfriend. He was back and he was torturing me and they hate PM just completely broke me down because I saw Wattpad as my second home and it was all gone. I left and decided to take a break. I travelled to places to clear my mind and in the mean time, my life got more hectic for me to handle.

I received another hate PM yesterday too. It ruins my inspiration for writing this book sometimes. It's hurtful and I think I am used to it by now. It's just too hard to ignore sometimes. Don't worry, I won't stop writing the story because of that. I hope you guys understand. Some of you guys out there are the best! 💝❤️❤️ You guys keep me going. 😊 I wrote this chapter all night as a 'thank you' for you guys because I couldn't reply to all the PMs and comments. Thank you guys for being awesome cupcakes! 🤗

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