16 | billionaire in a party

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B I L L I O N A I R E  I N  A  P A R T Y

"YOU HAVE EYEBROWS," I said and pursed my lips. "The Joker does not have eyebrows," I added and he laughed, pulling on my wrist, as we walked out of the kitchen. I turned back to look at Shira and Theo. They were resting their foreheads on each other with happy smiles dancing on their faces. I felt happy for both of them.

We were stepping out of the kitchen and I didn't know where Auden was taking me to but I didn't protest. I felt like I could finally admire life. I have a cool best friend, a hot man chasing after me and a world of fun. I felt like I wanted to stay here forever.

"We are here." He pulled me down and suddenly, both of us were sitting on a swing, which was on the balcony. We were in the quieter part of the house. The party music was much more silent and almost couldn't be heard. Suddenly, two strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me. Soon, I was sitting on his lap, with my back against the chest as both of us stared at the starry night.

This time, I didn't protest. I let him hold me. I could feel the chains he was hanging around his neck for the costume pressing onto my back. I liked how he looked in it. He looked sexier. Tougher. It turned me on to a level I didn't even know existed. How can someone be so handsome?

He was wearing a grey suit, with a maroon shirt inside. It suited him a lot. His hand intertwined with mine, holding my hand tightly and I sank in further into his chest, enjoying the warmth as I made myself comfortable.

"If you move one more time, I think I am going to rip your clothes off." His voice was husky and low. It sounded strained and I gulped, my eyes widened. I realised what he meant by that. I was rubbing his... bologna pony without realising. Shit, Shira is getting to me.

I stopped moving and looked up at the starry night, resting my head on his shoulder. I wanted him to hold me close and nuzzle his nose into the crook of my neck all of a sudden. As if he read my thoughts, his hand held me tighter and his nose tickled my neck, breathing my scent in like he never wanted to forget it.

"I want you to know something." He murmured into my ear softly. His warm breath made my skin tingle.

"What?" I asked, almost breathlessly.

"That I am yours. I will always be yours. Tomorrow and forever." He said, kissing my ear and my heartbeat skyrocketed again. I don't think my heart has ever beaten until now. I felt like I was flying inside. Usually, men would claim women saying that they are mine like marking their territory but here is Auden, rewriting the ordinances and giving himself to me. My heart warmed and my insides felt so warm and optimistic. I felt lucky to be with Auden. So damn lucky.

"Auden..." I called his name, feeling all warm inside. How can he say that? What does he see in me? Why?

"My soul has been searching for you." He breathed out, caressing my palm as he stroked them softly, feathering kisses down my jaw. "You bring out everything in me Kitkat. You hurled me into an abyss. You taste like hope." He whispered again, and I felt like everything around me was standing still and he was the only thing in my world.

"Auden..." I called again, pulling him away from my tingling neck and turning around to look at his face. "Please. Don't say that. Why would you say that? How can you say that? How do you know? You can't just say things like that to a girl. What if—"

"I just know." He said it with such sincerity, my eyes filled with tears and I rested my forehead against his. My emotions calmed down immediately and I felt at peace. It was beautiful, how he managed to calm down all my insecurities just like that. The way he moved into my soul and refused to let go of it. I felt like I have been waiting for him my whole life. I have finally found him.

I like you, Auden.

I wanted to mutter out, so softly like a whisper. I wanted to make him happy, but something was stopping me like it had blocked my throat involuntarily to prevent the words from escaping from me. I wanted to make him happy.

He held onto my waist, turning me around me completely that I was straddling him. My hand rested on his chest and I could feel his heartbeat underneath my palm. It was beating so fast, just like how mine was beating. It was almost as if they were in sync. His cerulean eyes were like clocks that stopped when I looked at them. The universe halted. It was like eternity. They were the hue of the most magical things in life. His eyes were telling me everything that he was thinking.

Suddenly, I felt the strongest urge to kiss him. It felt like hunger. My eyes flickered down to his lips, and I licked my lips unconsciously. The movement did not go unnoticed by him as he leaned in closer. Our lips were so close.

"Tell me you want it." Auden breathed it out, his breath doing wonders to my cold skin. "I want it," I said, and he leaned forward. My heartbeat skyrocketed, waiting for the moment. It was like fitting two puzzle pieces. His hand trailed up my arm, holding my neck and my hands circled his neck, pulling him closer, wanting to feel the touch of his lips alre—


I moved back, startled by the loud sound and Auden pulled me back before I could move further away, He was cursing under his breath, looking extremely pissed. He turned behind and both of us saw Theo, looking shaken.



When you fall in love with fictional characters :

When you fall in love with fictional characters :

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