29 | billionaire in enticement

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B I L L I O N A I R E  I N  E N T I C E M E N T
pov : auden

"READY?" I ASKED and she pursed her lips, nodding before getting in the car. She seemed tended and I was tensed too. She slammed the door behind her and looked out the window at my house. Scratch that, at our house. It is hers too. I can never look at that house again without thinking of her.

"Let's go." She muttered under her breath and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"It will be fine," I assured her. "I will be there. Besides, we are not going there now. We will be there tomorrow."

"But what about the company?" She asked and I smiled. "They said they are shutting it down on Friday. We have two days for that." I said and she nodded, looking a little relieved.

"Where are we going?" She asked and I started the car, driving along the road. "Oh. Will we be meeting Auden Milson there?" She asked, her eyes rising with hope.

I almost wanted to burst out laughing but I controlled myself. With just a controlled small smile, I said, "Yep."

"Cool. I wonder how he looks like." She started wondering and I wanted to pinch her cheeks at how cute and clueless she was. "I wonder if he is hot."

I held onto the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white from doing so. I have never in my life wanted to laugh so bad. But, I couldn't. "It's funny how you both share the same name." She commented before turning the radio on.

"You don't say," I muttered and I think she didn't hear that. She turned the music up and it was a good song which she mouthed along to.


She turned around immediately at her nickname and I smiled at how she blushed but she tried to remain cool. "Hungry?" I asked and she nodded, pouting and rubbing her stomach. I laughed and drove the car towards a drive-in shop. Stopping at McDonald's, I bought some French fries and burgers with a cup of Pepsi.

Coca Cola is bad for health. Don't drink that people.

I continued my driving when I saw a French fry suddenly appear right in front of my face. I looked at her, holding a French fry in her hand. "Open your mouth." She commanded and I did. She popped a French fry in my mouth and continued doing so for the rest of the drive as I couldn't eat and drive at the same time. Her action reminded me of a Mother taking care of her Son and my insides felt warm at that thought.

God, I love her.

"Want some Pepsi?" She pointed the cup towards my direction and I shook my head.

"You drink it," I said and she drank some Pepsi. Her pink lips curled around the straw and she sipped from it. Her hands holding the cold cup from outside. Her cheeks flushed at the iciness of the drink. For a moment, I felt extremely jealous of the straw. I gulped, controlling the urge to just kiss her right there. I felt attracted to her in ways I can't explain.

I am going to crash the car if I keep looking at her.

Turn around Auden. Don't look at her.

I heard a moan and that was it for me. I felt rock hard below and I almost wanted to smack my forehead at how easily I can be triggered. Only she could do that.

"I want some Pepsi," I said, a little annoyed and she shrugged before putting the straw in my mouth. I looked at her the whole time I was drinking and I could see her blushing slowly. The taste of her cherry red lipstick was on the straw and I savoured it. I purposely left some Pepsi for her to drink. She put the straw back in her mouth and I could die happy. I bet she could taste me on the straw and I gave her a teasing smirk.

Who is the winner now stupid straw?

"Shut up and drive."

This is getting even better. "That's what she said." I winked and she blushed like a tomato.

"I am not going to feed you French fries anymore." She smirked victoriously and I pouted immediately.

But, damn, that smile.

"Pretty please?" I begged and she chuckled at my expression. "No." She shook her head.

"If you don't feed me, I will eat you once we get home," I said seductively and her face went flustered again. She almost coughed out the drink and I laughed at her state. She placed the empty cup on the board and crossed her arms across her chest before looking away at the window.

"Still not going to feed me?" I teased and I could see her body visibly stiffen. I loved it when her body shows the effect I have on her. There was no response from her. I looked at the front and turned the steering wheel to the right, entering an alleyway. It was evening and the sun was going down. The street was empty and empty buildings were surrounding the street. We have reached our destination.

"What if I want to be eaten?" Her hot breath feathered my ear and I pressed on the brake hard, stopping the car once and for all.

My heart stopped. There she was, leaning over the seat, looking like a seductive temptress with her face right in front of me. She took my breath away. It's crazy how she turns me on just like that. Blood rushed down and I felt a familiar ache appear in my stomach. She wasn't backing down and continued staring at me. She licked her lips, her tongue gliding across her upper lip from left to right ridiculously slowly. I—I wanted to kiss her, kiss the very last breath from her lungs only to revive her each time; I wanted to explore the delicious caverns of her mouth, the soft curve of her arched spine, the slopes of her calves, and the sharp jut of her hipbones against the wide palms of my hands. I wanted to acquaint myself with every part of her.

I lost it.

My heartbeat was fast and I immediately grabbed her waist. She straddled me and I wasted no time in crashing her lips against mine. Our lips moved together like the ebb and flow of the ocean, pulling, pushing, sucking against the shore and then drawing back to the steady tick of a metronome. Our mingled breathing was staccato, yet beautiful in its discordance and faltering symmetry. I thread my fingers through her hair and I allowed my hands to explore hungrily across the planes of her body, over her back, the muscles of her abdomen, and the soft, warm skin right behind her ear that I teased mercilessly with my tongue. She moaned, her body flushed against mine and I pulled away painfully and looked at her.

She seemed like a sex goddess.

"What do you want Kitkat?"



The things she does to Auden. 😍. The sexual tension is going off the charts. 📈 💘

I counted the votes and iPhone 📱 7 plus won so I bought it! It's wonderful. 💕

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