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How does one not ever get past your looks to see into your soul. I used to judge you based off of what other people said, but I'm glad I stopped listening. You're so incredible that words can't even describe it. You really make me happy, even when I'm down. It's been only a couple of weeks since I really got to know you, but I wouldn't change those moments for the world. Your smirk whenever you see me, and the wave that follows constantly has me in awe. I've seen you soul, it's so beautiful. It overpowers your looks, even though your features are also very outstanding. I'm in constant awe whenever I'm around you or waiting for your response. You say truly heartwarming things that make me feel like it's worth living this life out. I hope nothing interferes between us because I truly want you to see my rawness and I hope to see yours.
So long,
The girl you make feel like she's on top of the world

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