You Matter To Me

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To the girl with tear filled eyes,
Breathe. Just breathe. Count to ten if you have to. Look at this and don't be upset for crying. You aren't weak, nor will you ever be considered that. You are so strong, one of the strongest people I've ever come across. Your existence matters to me, even if you think it doesn't. I care about you a lot and I'm here for you. Always. Now, I want you to smile, even if it's an attempt. Attempting and failing is better than not attempting it at all. You're so amazing and I never want to lose you, okay? The tears won't last forever, with a little patience you'll see that beautiful rainbow appear soon. You're a fighter, and you know that. Keep on trucking and know that I'm here, even if you've never noticed before. I plan to be here for a long time. Now, remember and know that I love you so much more than you can ever imagine.
The girl who wants to be there

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