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The next morning, Scott woke up practically on top of Mitch. His face was tucked in Mitch's neck, and the other boy's arms were wrapped loosely around his waist, keeping him safe and warm. Scott sighed softly in contentment and snuggled closer to him, pressing an absentminded kiss to Mitch's neck. Mitch shivered in his sleep and tilted his head to the side, and Scott smiled to himself, kissing his neck again.

Scott let Mitch sleep for a few more minutes before the boy woke up himself and smiled sleepily down at Scott. "Hi," he whispered hoarsely, sending shivers down the blond's spine. "Hi, baby girl," Scott whispered back, and he pushed himself up to kiss Mitch gently. Mitch kissed back instantly, reaching up to cup Scott's cheek. Scott smiled into the kiss, accidentally breaking it, but he didn't care. He just kissed Mitch's nose and got up. "Time for work, princess."

Mitch groaned, but got up as well and dressed, glancing at the time. "I've got to leave," he said quietly, frowning, but Scott just hugged him and kissed his hair. "I'll see you later, my sweet boy."


Later that day, when Mitch was walking home, he glanced around with a small smile as he thought about how far he'd come. It didn't seem like long ago when he was living alone on the streets, but now he had a loving boyfriend, a place to live, food to eat, and a constant job. Him and Scott didn't have it all, but they had each other, and that was all that mattered to him.

"Baby?" Mitch called as he walked inside, but Scott didn't reply. Mitch didn't allow himself to get too worried — occasionally, Scott would work late, being too nice to decline his boss. He changed out of his work clothes and into a t-shirt of Scott's, then went back into the kitchen to make dinner.

When Scott returned, he immediately went into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Mitch from behind, setting his chin on his shoulder. Mitch smiled, relief washing over him, but he didn't look up from his work. "Hi," Scott said softly, kissing Mitch's cheek. "Hi, Scotty," Mitch answered, briefly turning his head to peck Scott's lips before he went back to his preparations. "You look adorable in my shirt," Scott said as he pulled away, and Mitch laughed quietly, glancing back at him. "Thanks. It fits wonderfully," he teased, as the shirt went down to his mid-thigh.

After they ate, Scott and Mitch climbed in bed together, and Mitch tucked himself under Scott's chin. The blond smiled and held him close, closing his eyes. "Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, Scotty. I love you."

"I love you too, baby girl."

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