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Scott froze, his eyes slowly opening to look up at him. "What?" Mitch could almost feel his rejection of the idea, so he hurried to convince him. "It'll be good for you. I had a customer today, Edith, who apparently was one of my nurses, and she said that she could hear you when you were singing to me and that you're really good. Baby, her wife works for a record label. She can get the boss to listen to it, and they'll love it. You have a beautiful voice, my love."

"Mitch, we've talked about this," Scott said weakly. "I don't want to sing in front of anyone but you. You're the only one I'll sing for."

"Scott, please, just try. We could be so much better off. We could pay for our wedding, baby..."

Scott hesitated, opening his mouth to speak. However, he soon closed it again, and he was quiet for a moment as he tried to think of something to say. "What would I even sing?" he asked eventually, his voice a whisper. Mitch tried not to get too excited, even though he knew Scott was cracking. "I don't know. You could just sing one of the lullabies you sing to me. Maybe that rose one."

"And- And how would I record it?"

"With your phone. I think there was a phone number or an email address that you could use to send to Edith. Please, Scotty. For me."

Scott sighed, wishing he had a better resolve. "Fine. For you."

Mitch squealed and wrapped his arms around Scott's neck, kissing him passionately. Scott's eyes widened briefly in surprise, but he soon relaxed into the kiss and kissed back. Mitch pushed Scott down so he was lying on his back and quickly licked his way into his mouth, exploring eagerly. "I love you so much," he murmured against Scott's lips. Scott blushed lightly and whispered a soft, "I love you too."

Eventually, Mitch pulled away and grinned widely at Scott. "I think we should go out to dinner to celebrate." Scott's eyebrows furrowed, and he shook his head slightly. "I don't know if we have enough money..."

"Scotty, don't worry about money for just one night. We've hardly been on any dates and we've been together for a little over a year now. Please."

Scott hesitated, but he slowly nodded. "Okay, baby. If that's what you want."

Mitch grinned and nodded. "Yes, please! I'm going to take a shower and then we can go." He hopped up off of Scott's lap and scampered to the bathroom, and Scott decided to follow him, not having anything else to do.

When Mitch disappeared into the bathroom, Scott debated on going inside with him or not. He didn't want to seem like he only wanted to see his fiancé naked, but he reminded himself that Mitch was his fiancé and he was allowed to see him naked. Besides, it's not like they haven't been naked around each other before. Scott nodded slightly and went inside the bathroom, closing the door behind himself. Mitch looked up from when he was getting undressed and smiled slightly at the sight of his Scott. "Hi, Scotty. Did you need something?" he asked, but Scott shook his head and offered him a timid smile. "I wanted to shower too, so I thought we could save water by showering together."

Mitch laughed, but he nodded and finished removing his shirt. "I think you just want an excuse to see me naked," he teased, but he turned on the shower anyway. "Come on, baby." Scott shyly got undressed and stepped into the shower with him, feeling the warm water run over his skin. Mitch smiled slightly and kissed Scott's chest, then turned to grab the washcloth.

Using gentle hands, Mitch washed Scott's body, his tongue sticking out slightly in concentration. Scott had to force himself not to hide his stomach.

When Mitch finished, Scott began to wash Mitch in return, loving the way his soft skin felt underneath his fingertips. Mitch sighed softly in pleasure and let his eyes slip closed, enjoying Scott's hands on his body. Scott was careful not to hurt him, being even more gentle than Mitch, if possible. He knew he'd never forgive himself if he hurt him.

As soon as they'd finished, Mitch turned off the water and stepped out with Scott, getting a towel to wrap around his shoulders. Scott thanked him quietly and dried himself, and Mitch did the same. They hung the towels up and went out to their bedroom, getting dressed. Mitch, of course, chose to put on Scott's clothes, a long button-up with skinny jeans. Scott picked the same thing, except he added a jacket, just in case Mitch got cold and he could romantically give it to him.

"Okay. You ready?" Mitch asked, grabbing his keys and Scott's hand. Scott nodded slightly and offered him a small smile, bending down to peck his lips. "Mhm." Mitch grinned and kissed his fingers. "Great."

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