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warning there's some light smut in this lol


Mitch was released two days later. Scott helped him out of the hospital and insisted on paying for a taxi to take them home, despite Mitch's protests. Scott held Mitch close to his chest during the ride, scared to let him go.

Scott paid the driver when they arrived at their home and ushered Mitch out of the taxi, then scooped the boy up in his arms, holding him bridal style. Mitch squeaked in surprise and wrapped his arms around Scott's neck on instinct, but he let Scott carry him inside.

Almost instantly, Scott pressed him down on the couch and connected their lips in a passionate kiss. Mitch melted against him and wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing back eagerly. Scott set his hand on Mitch's hip and slipped his fingers just into his shirt, wanting to feel his skin. "I've missed this," Mitch almost moaned against Scott's lips, desperately pulling him closer. "Me, too," Scott whispered back, but he soon broke the kiss to carry Mitch to their bedroom and take Mitch's shirt off. Mitch allowed him to, immediately tilting his head to the side as he felt Scott's lips along his neck.

It wasn't long before Scott's shirt and the rest of Mitch's clothes were discarded, and Scott admired his fiancé with eager eyes. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" he murmured, bending to press kisses to his chest. Mitch's breathing caught in his throat and he leaned his head back against the pillows, his eyes fluttering in pleasure. "S-Scott?" he asked in a whisper, panting. Scott hummed in acknowledgement, but he was too focused on marking Mitch as his own to make more of an effort. "Um, a-are we gonna... y-you know?" Mitch continued breathlessly, arching his back ever so slightly and allowing a soft moan to leave his lips. "Not yet," Scott answered quietly without pulling away, "but you've been in the hospital for a week and I wanted to do something nice for you to celebrate your release." Mitch nodded slightly and moaned again, reaching down to hold onto Scott's shoulders. "Y-You don't have to d-do this, b-baby..." Scott hummed again and leaned up to kiss him. "But I want to."

As soon as they broke apart, Scott trailed kisses down Mitch's torso and gently pushed his legs apart so he could reach his thighs. Mitch sighed shakily in pleasure as he felt Scott's lips on the smooth skin, and he made a small noise in the back of his throat when Scott bit down. When Scott was satisfied with the marks he'd made all over Mitch's body, he took Mitch into his mouth, and the smaller boy immediately let out a strangled moan. "Fuck, Scotty," he breathed, tangling his fingers in Scott's hair. Scott wasted no time in pleasuring his fiancé, and he was definitely good at it. After all, he had done it for a living only a few months before.

Mitch was a moaning mess underneath him as Scott sucked and licked, his arms shaking as he held desperately into him. A small whimper of, "C-Close," was all he could manage before he released into Scott's mouth, and the blond swallowed it all, pulling away and licking some excess off his lip. Mitch watched him as he caught his breath, a small smile forming on his lips. "You're so hot," he murmured, leaning up to kiss him.

After a few moments, Mitch pulled away and smiled at his fiancé. "Hi," he whispered, and Scott laughed at him, laying down and bringing the boy into his arms. Mitch sighed happily and snuggled into his chest, completely disregarding the fact that he was still naked.

Scott held him closely, pulling the covers over them. Mitch closed his eyes and set his head in Scott's neck, a smile still on his lips. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you more, baby."

"Nuh uh."

Scott couldn't help but smile, his heart melting. "Alright, fine. But only because you're so cute," he murmured, pecking his lips. Mitch giggled and opened his eyes to peek up at him, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "You're not too bad yourself, Hoying."

They settled back down together in their bed, Mitch almost completely on top of the other boy. "I missed sleeping in an actually comfortable bed," Mitch murmured, nuzzling against him. Scott smiled and kissed his hair, holding his boy close. "And I missed sleeping on a bed with you." Mitch giggled again, but it was more sleepily that time, as he was starting to drift off. "I'm glad you're happy," he whispered, and Scott pressed a kiss to his nose, stroking his hair to help him fall asleep. "Goodnight, baby. I love you." Mitch roused himself enough to whisper a soft, "I love you too," in response, but then, he was asleep.

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