Just a Dream

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I closed the book that I am reading and checked my phone. My eyes widen at the time. It's already 3 am in the morning. I diverted my eyes and look at the book. I shrugged. I've read already the half of it. It was Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.

My back hurt and knees because I was so focused on reading. So, I decided to go to sleep. Minutes later I drop off to sleep.

The class is so noisy. I see myself on a white and green uniform talking to my friends. We were on the window.

My other classmates was just sitting, talking nonsense. Boys are laughing so loud while the  girls are giggling.

I looked at the window and up to the sky. It's a gloomy day. I sighed.

I looked infront and suddenly someone grabbed my boob and my mind went blank.

I can't think properly.

He didn't touched it once, twice, thrice but five times.

"You fcking imbicile! Come the fck here!" I shouted.

I only see red. The fcking piece of a shit.

My classmates were gaping and their jaw dropped because of the scenario.

"That fcking scumbag. I will make fcking sure that he will go to fcking hell when I saw him. That fcking piece of a fcking shit."

I muttered so many curses because of what happened. That crap.

"That fcking bull of a shit. I wish he will rot in hell." I am sure as fck that no one can stop me hurting that shit.

I looked at my classmates.

"You fcking saw him right?" I asked and pointed at the door because that shit just run off.

I swear to all demons that he will get hurt.

The door opened and that fcking scumbag appeared his head with a joker like smile.

I gritted my teeth with annoyance and grab my little but hard clutch.

I immediately threw it to him and fcking bulls eye, baby. Damn. Serves you fcking right.

My classmates laughed because of that scene.

I hastily walked towards to that bastard who is now swearing with so much pain. He is holding his head.

"You shit! How dare you to touch my fcking boobs! You go to fcking hell!" I don't know why but my anger turned into tears.

"You-u piece of shi-t-t! No one has ever been touched this and now, YOU! Don't you fcking dare! I fcking so hate you! No! I fcking loathe you!"

I punched his chest many times but still my anger towards him didn't vanish.

As if my body is tired, my knees wobble and I let myself sat on the floor.I palmed my whole face and cried.

My anger turned into tears, maybe because I am so humiliated. I wipe the tears coming from my eyes. I don't care if my classmates are watching me cry and sound like a banshee. I just dont fcking care.

Then suddenly a pair of shoes appeared infront of me and I looked up.

I saw you...

I heard my chest thump. I felt nervous just like that. My tears are covering my cheeks.

You dropped one of your knees and wipe it with your thumb. You grab my head slowly and place it on your chest. I cried harder.

Why are you doing this? That question kept on spinning on my mind.

Jar of EmotionsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon