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She's the kind of girl who doesnt care how or what she looks.

She's the kind of girl who cusses normally in her daily life

She's the kind of girl who eats like there's no tomorrow

She's the kind of girl who see's everything in a happy way

She laughs til her jaw drops.
She snore when she's sleeping with a saliva on the side of her lips. She doesn't mind tho. She'll just laugh at it.

Here she is, writing this things on a vacant room. Remembering what she is before.

She smiles
A fake, faint, tired one.
She laughs
Wails, screaming inside.
Her hands
Trembling, grasping, on a thing that she can't hold.
Her heart
Ripped, numb, caloused.
Her knees and feet
Wanting and needing to rest.

Where's the smile?
Where's the hearty laugh?
Where's the genuinely happy face?

It was broken.
It was from the other hands. Who cannot be hold.
Stole and can never be back.

Closed eyes,
Decaying insides,
with agony.

Jar of EmotionsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon