Chapter 2: Breaking The Ice

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This story will switch POVs with every chapter. It will be between Pansy's and Harry's and will go back and forth for now. Just giving you a head's up :)

Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"

Across the room your silhouette

Starts to make its way to me

The playful conversation starts

Counter all your quick remarks

Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you

All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

Well that was a surprise.

I was already shocked that I had even gotten Head Boy. I thought for sure Dumbledore was mental to give it to me. Hermione had made Head Girl but turned it down when she found out that Ron didn't make it with her. Well, she said it was because of N.E.W.T.S, but come one, let’s be real here. She was still going to be a Gryffindor prefect, but it would have been nice to actually know who I was to be rooming with.

Well, now I knew.

I'd only really encountered Pansy Parkinson once in my entire time in Hogwarts. It was 5th year. She had dropped her shit all over and people had seen, but didn't even attempt to help her, so I did. She seemed to be nervous, but she had thanked me and gave Seamus the death stare for what he had said to me about her.

I had only heard about her from other students. She always seemed to hang with...or on...Malfoy. Apparently, she was desperately in love with him or something like that.

Hermione hated her. She had never said anything positive about her, and she tries to say something nice about everyone that she meets. Ron didn’t think she was too bad. Her and Gin were like sisters. And if you got along with Ginny, then you must be okay. Even her and Malfoy were friends for some mental ass reason.

The news of her being Head Girl was kind of unnerving. I pictured myself coming in late at night and seeing her and Malfoy going at it.

Was not looking forward to it.

Still, I sat down and decided to at least be civil to my new dorm mate.

I sat down across from her. She acted like she was nervous to be by herself around me. She seemed stiff, as if she didn't want to look my way.

We sat in silence for awhile. She continued to try to avoid looking at me. I on the other hand tried to see if I could get a good look at her before she chewed my head off about staring.

She was actually not that bad looking. Her hair was black although not as black as mine, she had what seemed to be green eyes, only hers looked faded, almost transparent. Yeah she was pretty. Very pretty in fact.

Now to try to get her to talk.

"So, you made Head Girl." I said trying nervously to break the ice. "Congrats to you."

She looked over at me as if I had pulled her from deep within her thoughts. "Thanks, same to you." she said, almost in a whisper.

"Thanks." I said not knowing anything else to say.

Damn. This was more awkward than when Ron and Hermione would ice each other out and I would have to jump back and forth in between them to talk.

"What's your name again?" I asked her.

She looked at me as if she was insulted that I didn't know her name. Sure I did actually know it, I was just trying to find anything to get her to talk.

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