Chapter 10: The Yule Ball Part 1

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This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

The weeks leading up to the Yule Ball were confusing. Pansy and I didn't talk much unless we had to. I didn't exactly know why she was mad at me, but I was starting to get over why I was mad at her.

That was until I had seen her and Dean hanging out more.

All of a sudden the two of them were always talking and he was making her giggle. I had found out from Hermione that they were going to the ball together.

That really made me mad. Why the hell would she go with him for? What the bloody hell was she playing at?

"Wonders what she sees in him. Dean." I said to Ron as I was getting ready for the ball. Ron was already ready and had joined me in my room. We were supposed to be joking around. But he was forced to listen to me rant.

"What's wrong with Dean?" asked Ron. He's brilliant. He's our friend."

"Right, I know that, but still. That's just as well. Pansy wants to play this game? Fine. I was going with Susan anyways. I already said yes to her right in front of her face!" I said.

"... Oh mate..." said Ron slowly as realization hit me as well.

"Oh bloody hell. I said yes to Susan right in front of Pansy's face." I said. "That's why she's angry at me. She had looked at me as if she didn't want me to go with the girl, but I chose her anyways. Right in front of her."

Ron shook his head as if he was ashamed of me. Hell, I was ashamed of me.

I was such a git.

"But wait." I said looping my bowtie around my neck. "That doesn't seem right. If she was marrying Malfoy so much then why aren't they going together? Why is she going with Dean and Malfoy with Ginny?"

"Dunno mate." said Ron scratching his head. "The whole thing seems so confusing. And wrong. Still don't see what my sister sees in that bloody ferret."

"Its ridiculous. But I don't have time to focus on it right now. I got a ball to get ready for. Is my tie on straight?" I asked turning to Ron.

"Your tie? Why are you asking me?"

"Cuz Pansy usually helps me with these things and ...oh never mind."

"So you really fancy her don't you?" said Ron with a smug look on her face.

"Don't be silly of course I don't " I said.

"If you didn't then why are you so concerned about her? Why do you care who she goes to the ball with and who she marries? You fancy her mate, and you fancy her hard."

I looked at my best mate with mock hatred. Then I sighed.

"Okay. I do fancy her alright?" I admitted to him. "But what good will that do? Especially now when we both have dates?"

"Don't the heads have to open up the waltz? You can get a small word in then, can you?" asked Ron.

"I could…”

"And maybe she would come around or something. Later on you know? You two have to at least respect your dates, don't you?"

"Sue would probably go mental on me if I left her." I groaned.

"Right mate. Well, I got a special last to wait for." said Ron cheerfully.

"You and Hermione finally. I still can't believe it" I said.

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