Chapter 11: The Yule Ball Part 2

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This chapter rewinds and tells Pansy's perspective of events as well as picks up where Harry's POV left off.

I REALLY enjoyed writing this chapter. It was just soooooooo cute!

This night is flawless, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else

Please don't have somebody waiting on you

I hadn't had much to say to Harry leading up to the ball. I spoke only when required to. True my behavior was indeed childish, but I didn't have anything to say to him, and he acted the same way,so I left it as that.

The times that I would spend in our dorm with him was now spent more with some of my Slytherin friends, Ginny, and of course Dean. It had been fun getting to know him. I found him just as easy to talk to as I did Harry.

The only bad quality he had was his ghastly best mate. Seamus hated me. The feeling was mutual of course. He was the most vile boy I had ever had the horrid pleasure of meeting.  More nasty than any Slytherin boy and that's saying something. How he ended up in Gryffindor with the good guys, I'll never know.

"Finished. Your hair is gorgeous, Pansy." said Ginny as she finished a long and intricate French braid in my hair.

"Thanks Ginny. I hope he likes it." I said.

"He who? Dean or Harry?" asked Ginny.

I sighed. "Dean. Definitely Dean. As in Dean my date, or have you forgotten?"

"No I haven't forgotten. Are you sure you want to go there with him?"

“Well, I did want Harry but we see how that went. He obviously doesn't give a damn because he won't talk to me, so I'm happy to be Dean's date. He's a really nice person and he did ask me. By the way, I hope that it's okay you know. Since he is your ex and all."

Ginny waved her hand. "It doesn't matter. That was last years news. Besides you and him deserve a nice night. I'm just glad you think it's fine that I'm going with Draco."

I rolled my eyes at the silly girl. "Gin, how many times do I have to tell you I don't care? Draco is like my brother and you are my best friend. If anyone deserves to be together, it's you two."

"But we aren't together." said Ginny blushing.

"Not yet anyways." I said winking at her.

Ginny had to get dressed and so did I, so I headed to my dorm to get ready. Thankfully Harry was in his room when I got there, so I didn't see him.

I went and put on my gorgeous ice blue dress. If I had to thank my mother for one thing, it would be her great taste in formal wear. I applied some makeup and some shimmer lotion that Granger let me borrow. We seemed to be at least accepting of one another these days.

After I was done up, I left and met Dean at the statue that we said we would meet at. He looked gorgeous with his black dress robes and his shaped up afro. He looked at me and smiled big. Guess I was okay too.

"You look beautiful Pansy. I'll be the luckiest bloke at the ball tonight." he said kissing my hand causing me to blush.

"You're just saying that." I said shyly.

"I am not. It's a given. Even though you could be dressed like a house elf and still look good." he said laughing.

"Oh you silly boy. Let's go. Harry and I have to start off the waltz and I can't be late."

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