Chapter 20: Two Is Better Than One

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I'll be your shelter

I'll be your storm

I'll make you shiver

I'll keep you warm

Whatever weather

Baby I'm yours

Be your forever, be your fling

Baby I will be your everything

-Boys Like Girls Be Your Everything

And there I was. Engaged at 17. If anybody would have told me when I was 11 and practically loathe the girl because of how she acted with Malfoy, that I would be engaged to Pansy Parkinson I would have laughed directly in their face.

But there I was standing with my supposed to be arch enemy and my best mate watching my now fiance be gawked over by my other best mate and my unofficial big sister.

After the shock and awe and congrats, we rushed over to Dumbledore and explained the situation. He seemed amused by the idea and agreed to officiate and wed us. We were to be married in a semi private ceremony with the Weasleys, Sirius, a few friends, and Narcissa Malfoy, who was more than happy to attend and was the only one that disagreed with the marriage contract among them. We needed her as a witness if Lucius and the Parkinsons didn't believe us.

The four days leading up to the wedding were a blur. A fun blur, but a blur nonetheless. As much as we just wanted something short and sweet, magical law didn't have quick civil marriages like in the muggle world so we had to have the actual wedding and reception. Unfortunately due to school, especially since N.E.W.T.S. were coming up, we couldn't honeymoon unless it was the weekend after and that wouldn't have worked because that was when we would letting the Parkinsons and Lucius know that their contract was null and void. Everything was to remain hush hush until then.

We got to shop for dress robes and things like that. Pansy got to get dresses for herself as well as Ginny (her maid of honor) Hermione and Daphne (her bridesmaids, she had cut ties with Milicent for helping Dean and Seamus with their plan) dresses and shoes.

Dumbledore planned an 'impromptu ball' for the 5th, 6th, and 7th years as our reception. If anyone asked why, it would be a fun event before Easter Break.

Pansy and I started slowly trying to adjust from being good friends to being engaged. It had felt a bit weird skipping a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship where we would learn each other. However, after a bit of awkward hand holding and hugs, eventually we found that we couldn't keep our hands off each other. I found myself missing her when she wasn't around and when she was, all I wanted to do was hold her. I would see her and I had to stop myself from snogging her senseless. I didn't know if she felt the same way, but there were times where whenever we did get some snogging time in, she seemed to stop herself before anything went further. We had to wait until the marriage night to have sex.

On the day of the wedding (which was held in the Room Of Requirement), I had Mrs. Weasley crying all over me as a mother should. She thought that my decision to marry Pansy was the most romantic thing she had ever heard in in her life, causing the standards for whatever thing Ron did for Hermione to be extremely high. Sirius, who was my groomsman as Ron was my best man, had agreed to stand in for my parents as well as Lupin, which really made me feel special as they were the only two that I had that had a connection with them.

Standing and waiting for everything to start was nerve wracking. Mrs. Weasley (bless her) was already tearing up and the twins were already taking the mickey from their seats. Ron and Sirius were also cracking jokes to try to make me lighten up, but I could help but be nervous.

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