Chapter 19: The Decision

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So I looked it up and could not find a middle name for Pansy so I gave her one.

Also the story should be wrapping up in a couple more chapters :)

Find light in the beautiful sea

I choose to be happy

You and I, you and I

We're like diamonds in the sky

You're a shooting star I see

A vision of ecstasy

When you hold me, I'm alive

We're like diamonds in the sky

I knew that we'd become one right away

Oh, right away

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays

I saw the life inside your eyes

-Rihanna Diamonds

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I kept replaying his words in my head.

'I'll do it.' That's what he actually said. As if it was the easiest decision he ever made in his life.

We all looked at him as if he was on Elfen Root. "Are you mental?" said Ron. "I mean no offense to you Pansy of course, but that's a marriage at bloody 17. You're only 17, Harry."

"What's wrong with being married at 17?" asked Harry as casual as if he was asking for the answer to a potions question. "And yeah I'm sure. I don't see a problem with it."

"Harry I can't ask you to do that." I said. "You do know that wizard marriages are forever. Well, they are supposed to be, but yeah they are genuinely forever. Especially if the two that are marrying are virgins."

"I'm not a virgin. Remember your party last year Ron? You told me about Parvati and I right?" asked Harry.

Ron blushed and pushed his hair back. "Yeah about that. You got totally pissed that night and we pranked you with that. I should have told you sooner, but outside of some horrendous snogging, you and Parvati didn't do anything."

"Ron!" said Hermione hitting Ron's arm.

"You're a fucking prat Ron Weasley." laughed Harry. "Well, I guess I am a virgin then. So what does that mean?"

"Well. with marriages that involve two virgins, it basically bonds the pair." explained Hermione. "That means you belong to each other forever and the only way to break that bond is through death."

"Okay, well if you're worried about being stuck with me the rest of your life then we just won't have sex." said Harry as if he was upset.

"Harry no, I-"

"That's not how it works." said Hermione. "See, you two would have no choice but to consummate the marriage in order to null and void the contract."

Harry nodded. And then he walked out of the dorm.

"I'm sorry Pansy. But that's the only thing I could find." sympathized Hermione. "And as nice as it is for Harry to volunteer himself, I don't think it would be right. Especially if you two don’t have feelings for each other."

"But they do have feelings for each other, Hermione." said Ginny.

I blushed as I looked down and nodded my head.

"Why can't I be the one to do the marrying?" asked Draco. "I'll just marry Ginny and it'll all be over."

"Oh Draco..." said Ginny blushing.

"You will not marry my 16 year old sister you ferret!" yelled Ron.

"You wouldn't be able to due to the fact that she is indeed 16. And besides, it's the woman that would have to marry, not the man." explained Hermione.

"Damn. Well if I could, I really would. Despite what you have to say about it Weaselby." sneered Draco.

"Guys focus. This isn't about you, it's about Pansy." said Hermione as she grabbed Ron's hand.

"I didn't mean to upset him. I just don't want his life ruined by mine. It's not him at all. In fact...I think it would probably be rather fun to be married to him." I said feeling myself blush hard.

"Then why don't you two talk about it?" said Hermione putting a hand on my shoulder. "Go find him. Knowing him, he's probably in the Quidditch pitch. That's where he goes to think."

Sure enough I found him sitting in the stands playing with his practice snitch. I didn't know quite what to say. He looked as if he was crushed.

"Harry? Can we talk please?"

He sighed but patted the space on the bench beside him. I sat down and took his hand into mine.

"Harry please. I want you to understand that I'm not trying to say that I'm worried about me being stuck with you. It's actually the other way around. I wouldn't want you to marry me and then down the road regret it when you found someone better than me."

"Why would you think I would regret it? You think I haven't thought this through have you?"

"I mean we only found out about an hour ago Harry and you answered promptly."

"Actually, I had thought of that solution way before Hermione found it to be true. I just didn't know how to come to you about it." said Harry blushing.

I felt the butterflies wake up in my stomach. " have?"

"I actually wouldn't mind being married to you, you know. We seem to get along well living with each other. You're smart, you're fun, you're easy to talk to, beautiful, you are always looking out for me, you're sweet, and I really like you. And while I may not be in love with you now, I do have love for you. So I really wouldn't see it as me being stuck with you at all." said Harry smiling that smile that always warmed my heart to see.

"Do you really mean that?" I whispered.

Harry reached in his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He opened it to reveal the most beautiful diamond I had ever seen in my entire life. I gasped as I felt my eyes water.

"Sirius told me that this was my mother's. I had wrote to him a couple weeks ago asking for a ring because he has access to the vaults my parents left me while I'm in school. I figured that she would want my future wife to wear this so..."

He got on one knee and took my hand. My whole face grew hot and the tears rolled effortlessly out of my eyes. I must have looked a grinning sappy mess because I couldn't do anything else but smile and smile hard.

"Pansy Jacqueline Parkinson, will you marry me?" asked Harry, looking proud.

"Oh Harry, I- wait. How did you know my middle name?"

Harry rolled his eyes and laughed. "Malfoy told me. So is that a yes or a no?"

I couldn't help but giggle. "Yes Harry James Potter I will!" I said with the enthusiasm of a little school girl falling to pieces.

He slipped the ring on my finger and it magically fitted itself. It shined bright in the sun, as if it were alive and happy.

"Wait... How did you know my middle name?" asked Harry.

"Oh, only every history book written in the last 16 years has it in there." I said as I jumped into his open arms.

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